My thoughts on multiplayer

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  • I took the time to visit a few multi player servers. Most of them of them are just fine.

    However I do not build on multiplayer and here is why.

    I have total control of my own world in single player in creative mode. I do not desire to spend forever looking for stuff just to build.
    In other words I am a creative mode person :) I Have no interest in bashing monsters.

    If you choose to build on a server , it could be here today and gone tomorrow. If you want to build a house, I would suggest that do it on your own world and make a blueprint and then move it to a server .

    If you join a server , it is highly unlikely that you will be able to use the creative mode. Most server admins do not allow full creative mode and I totally understand why. It is called griefers. Some server admins just like to play god . That is ok. It is their server and not yours, They pay the bills. If you go to a server you have no rights at all except what the admin chooses to give you.

    Even Rising world has griefers . If you see me on a server , rest assured I am there for 1 reason and 1 reason only and that is to be a tourist. I already have3 of my my own private world to rule in, I have no interest in ruling on someone else's world.

    ALL data is temporary. Not even all of the biomes are done yet. We should understand that many servers are eventually going to get wiped for 1 reason or another.

    Rising world is constantly evolving and some changes will likely require a wipe. We know Red tries to convert old data when he can, I can assure you there will come a time when everyone is going to have to start over. It comes with the territory of early access. The water addition is a perfect example, The whole world changed overnight. Now almost everyone wants a waterfront home.

    Just keep all this in mind. Especially one day if you look for your favorite server and it is gone for whatever reason. If you do choose to play Rising world on a server I wish you well and the best of times. As for me , I am a tourist , not a resident of multiplayer .

    Not all of us have the time to devote to forage for everything. Some people just want to build, they to not want to bash animals, nor do they want to be forced to walk around with a torch at night. I Notice almost all of the servers disables the "L" key. But that is what I like about this game. You can play it Your way.

    I do enjoy viewing all of the servers out there , Some servers last a week , others only a few hours. And some have been there since the start. If you see me on your server, I am just there to visit. I have 3 worlds of my own to take care of, I am a tinkerer (The poor database) LOL. I am there to say hi and to visit. I have enough stuff to keep me busy in my own worlds. That way if I screw something up only I have to deal with it :)

    Have fun

  • BIG ISSUES here!

    Frst of all, I share most of @Trillnar considerations and concerns: me too, I'm not interested in killing monsters, rather mainly in making things and I find easier and more reliable to do it on my own worlds. Still, there are at least two considerations I would add:

    1) FOLLOW THE RULES: creative mode is fine and fun, I myself could mostly not do without it. Still, the need to stick to 'real' building rules (assuming they are represented by what you can do outside of creative mode) forces to ingenuity and make things more interesting (we can do that in single player mode too, but it is not the same).

    It is true that normal mode is quite limited (I mostly miss plank painting and other shapes than rectangles) and at the same time it is itself 'too easy' in some respect (the smelting furnace which runs without fuel being an example). But we may assume these will be fixed in due time. So, being forced to 'stick to the rules' is an added source of interest.

    2) COLLABORATION: this is harder to achieve, as it requires a committed group of players, some kind of agreement and of planning in advance, etc. etc. but the possibility to collaborate on the making of something more complex, bigger and/or more precise or with several sources of inspiration is potentially a big source of interest (and of fun, if this is your type of mind).

    It is not very common in games, but I hope RW will make this path possible, perhaps helping it with some infrastructure. I have no solid idea, but I believe it is a path worth exploring and thinking about.

    Thanks, M.

    P.S.: the risk of a total wipe affects single player worlds as much as it affects multi-player worlds: sooner of later we will face it on all our worlds.

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