The wrong player name shows up in the player list.

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  • As I was trying to test my connections and logs from another bug, I noticed that I suddenly showed up as "Derik" in the player list. My real name is "Derik" but my steam name is Absalom, as is my player profile name.

    And actually, my steam name at the moment is Fishman. Not sure where it got "Derik" unless the first name is being pulled from the steam info instead of the player name or whatever it is. Not sure how you all obtain the player's name and store it in the DB.

  • I logged out and in again, and the correct player name shows in the list now "Absalom" not my first name "Derik". Extremely odd and suspect. What other private information can show up in the player list?

  • This is your computers username, we don't have any private information about any player (only nickname and email). It is used as a fallback when connecting to the hive was not possible. Usually in this case you should not be able to connect to a server (as long as hive_verification is true, should be by default).

  • This is your computers username, we don't have any private information about any player (only nickname and email). It is used as a fallback when connecting to the hive was not possible. Usually in this case you should not be able to connect to a server (as long as hive_verification is true, should be by default).

    Maybe allow us to set a fallback name in our Settings and use that rather than the computer name? That would be more logical and privacy-friendly.

  • Maybe allow us to set a fallback name in our Settings and use that rather than the computer name? That would be more logical and privacy-friendly.

    Yes we will change it. Especially as soon as the offline-mode for Steam works. We will save your account name after the first game start on your harddrive and use this as a fallback in the future.

  • Yes we will change it. Especially as soon as the offline-mode for Steam works. We will save your account name after the first game start on your harddrive and use this as a fallback in the future.

    Perfect! :) Check Steam chat by the way. :P

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