Blueprints are not showing.

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  • Hello,

    I've downloaded some blueprints from the Blueprints-Section here, but the most of the aren't shown in the journal.
    Only some blueprints with smaller file size (about 512 kb) are shown. All blueprints with bigger file size (about 1 mb)
    aren't shown. The blueprints are in the correct folder. Has someone else this issue too? Help would be appreciated, thanks.

  • If they are unpacked, they have a file size about 1 mb, except the two blueprints I linked above. And as I wrote above, only two blueprints are working for me.
    The blueprints Hochstand and Scheune having a filesize of about 512 kb (unpacked) and they are working. All other blueprints having a filesize of about 1 mb (unpacked)
    and they aren'r working for me.

  • Ok, It seems I found the problem. The 2 blueprints Hochstand and Scheune are packed in zip archives, so I had to unpack them first.
    And I mistakenly unpacked the other files too.

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