Cant connect to anything

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  • Ok so please bear with me pretty annoyed so might ramble a bit ..... Bought this game to mainly host a server, downloaded game and can play local single player ok so i thought lets try connecting to a server, nothing all fail saying failed to connect, so i have setup my own in house server which a wanted to do anyway, started server on server 2012 machine, opened ports 4200 - 4300 just in case, started server says its connected to hive, doesnt show up in list... so tried direct ip connection, same issue either cant connected or says cant authenticate, any help please ...


  • Please be patient, currently there is a bug in multiplayer we are already working on. We are sorry that multiplayer doesn't work properly right now.
    About the "can't authenticate" problem: This might be related to a firewall, it says it can't connect to the HIVE for authentication.

  • Hey @Animatrix

    Quit Rising World, then go to: steam/steamapps/commons/risingworld

    Open the file in a text editor, preferably Notepad++, then change game_debug_console to 'true', open up Rising World now.

    A new window will also appear which outputs the log.

    Now try connecting to a few different servers, wait till the errors appear, then go back to the Multiplayer menu, try another server, etc. Once you have done everything, quit Rising World, then go to the Rising World Folder, then Logs, copy all the text in the log file to PasteBin and pass the link here.

  • Ok so update, wierd but here goes, i can now connect to my server using the external wan address, but not using internal ip address, thats fine to be honest, next thing server still not showing in the list... any ideas ? still cant connect to other servers for some reason ...


  • When connecting to other servers, do you receive any errors? If so, please repeat the above steps I gave you, whilst connecting to those servers, so that we can see the errors for that specific issue.

  • @Absalom above log includes errors for your server, facing any issues? or can you provide any logs to help this player?

    Any ideas as why my server is not showing in the server list... ?

    Unfortunately not - I haven't created a server myself, yet.

  • I have provided a few logs from both server side and client side. Tonight I will turn on debug in the config for the server and see if Iget any more robust logs. @red51 said they are looking at it. My server disappeared from the server list as soon as 3 other servers appeared there. Mine were the first two on the list, then 3 more appeared replacing mine, and mine has never been listed since. I messed with the two properties for the hive server and nothing changed. In addition, we still have connection issues.

    Red51 said they are looking at it. We just need to be patient and give them time and whatever logs they need.

  • I have provided a few logs from both server side and client side. Tonight I will turn on debug in the config for the server and see if Iget any more robust logs. @red51 said they are looking at it. My server disappeared from the server list as soon as 3 other servers appeared there. Mine were the first two on the list, then 3 more appeared replacing mine, and mine has never been listed since. I messed with the two properties for the hive server and nothing changed. In addition, we still have connection issues.

    Red51 said they are looking at it. We just need to be patient and give them time and whatever logs they need.

    That clears the server list issue up then :)

    Yeah, the connection issues are being worked on, me and red were looking into the exact cause earlier and the next update should fix it. :D

  • Okies guys, thanks alot for the help, idea is to put online a 24/7 server for everyone, i have mutiple vm servers in our own data center here in the UK so it would be up 99.999%, hope ppl use it, well if they can find it that is lol


  • I am currently working on a web site where server hosters can register their servers and players can rate them. It will also show average uptime, etc. That will be a good compliment to the in-game server browser in that it will have a social side and rating system to it. Unfortunately it is a ways off and would be very useful right now. I am also building a Lua repository site where Lua scripts can be downloaded for this game, and when you download a script you are registered to be notified of updates. Hopefully I can also get a Lua script patch system going where the server can check for updates as it starts loading scripts. Lots of good ideas coming, so if you are hosting from a datacenter and want to colaberate on some of these developments, feel free to contact me as I may have bitten off more than I can chew. Lol!

  • I am currently working on a web site where server hosters can register their servers and players can rate them. It will also show average uptime, etc. That will be a good compliment to the in-game server browser in that it will have a social side and rating system to it. Unfortunately it is a ways off and would be very useful right now. I am also building a Lua repository site where Lua scripts can be downloaded for this game, and when you download a script you are registered to be notified of updates. Hopefully I can also get a Lua script patch system going where the server can check for updates as it starts loading scripts. Lots of good ideas coming, so if you are hosting from a datacenter and want to colaberate on some of these developments, feel free to contact me as I may have bitten off more than I can chew. Lol!

    Looking forward to these!

    Just send me a message if there is ever anything you need, I may surprise.

  • I..... I am also building a Lua repository site where Lua scripts can be downloaded for this game, and when you download a script you are registered to be notified of updates. Hopefully I can also get a Lua script patch system going where the server can check for updates as it starts loading scripts......

    Cool! I am looking forward to this. Have a few ideas for scripts but havent had the time yet as this is only my 5th day of owning the game......... Please keep me in the loop.

  • By the way, I wasn't trying to hijack this thread. I only mentioned it because Animatrix was talking about hosting in their data center.

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