Where do I find a "seed" number for new world

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  • I'm new to the game, and the forum. I haven't found this anywhere, but I may not have searched for the right term. I have a practice world I've playing in Creative mode. I wandered around until I found an area I loved, I wrote down the "Global" number 2733 43 3205. The last number on the top line under the f3 key. I typed this number (without spaces) into the Seed field when I generated a new world. I wanted to play Survival mode and spawn in at that location. (It was mixedforest near a lake or ocean with islands not far offshore. Very nice.)

    Instead I spawned in some where else pretty far from any shore near as I can tell. I didn't write down the seed number, but it was completely different. What did I do wrong? Perhaps "Global" isn't the right number? What number is correct for spawning in a new world at a particular point? Or does it even work this way?

    Where I am is fine for learning the Survival mode, but at some point I'd like to try for more the biome/location I'd love to be in.

  • The "Global" numbers you see in the F3 output is NOT the seed of the world, they are the coordinates of your current position in the order West, altitude, North (yes, West, not East: RW uses a Westward pointing longitude).

    The world seed is listed below the world name in the world list brought up by the "Single Player" button in the start-up screen. Each world has its own seed printed out under the name.

    For multi-player servers, things are more difficult; the world seed is not listed in any easy place; rather, the server owner has to look for it in the log file which is created when the server is run.

  • Thank you for that info. Is there a list somewhere of "good seed numbers"?

    A few are listed in this thread. Possibly other are given in other posts. I would try searching the fora for "world seed".


    I'm still playing in Single player mode. Or can the game be manipulated in this way?

    What do you mean by "manipulating the game in this way"? Which kind of manipulation? which way?

  • A few are listed in this thread. Possibly other are given in other posts. I would try searching the fora for "world seed".

    What do you mean by "manipulating the game in this way"? Which kind of manipulation? which way?

    Thanks! I will check those out.
    "manipulating the game" I meant could you cause the game to spawn you in your new world in the precise world and location you desire.

  • "manipulating the game" I meant could you cause the game to spawn you in your new world in the precise world and location you desire.

    Not that I know of. In fact, I am rather sure a new game will always spawn you at 256W, 256N coordinates. But if you know the xxx and yyy coordinates of the place you want to go to, by opening the console and entering the command:

    goto xxx yyy

    (first W then N) will teleport you to that location.

    *) better to activate flying beforehand, just in case you are teleported below the surface or much above it!
    *) the command is often disabled on multi-player servers, but in single-player, there should be no problems.

    Also, the next time you return to an already visited world, the programme should place you at exactly the point you were in when you left.

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