shadows and proffesions

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  • In the future are there going to be shadows added to the graphics engine off the game (it doesnt have to be super anti aliased soft-shadows), just some basic shadows to add more dept to the game.

    Also if in future updates baking and cooking are implented do u plan on adding proffesions to the game simular to some (MMO)-RPG'S that adds bonuses to characters so whe need to specialize in something and cant be good in all of it.
    For example: I'm a master artisan cooking and get more good baked breads then other people, but when i go mine i get less ore then master miners. But if i have spend lots off time doing mining also (besides cooking) i also get better in it (like the skill develpment off the elder scrolls for example).

    I want to end this post with a huge question: is there somesort off roadmap for 2017-2018 that gives us some clues on when u want to have something implemented.
    What i mean is something like:
    Q1 -> dungeons and new annimations/models
    Q2-> electricity?
    summer -> ...

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