Changelog 2017-01-13 (Rising World 0.8):
- Plugin
- [New] getAllPlugins()
- [New] onLoad() (called when a plugin will be loaded)
- [Change] onEnable() will only be called once all plugins are loaded
- [Bugfix] Fixed possible NPE when calling getPluginByID()
- Area
- [Bugfix] fixed subclasses of Area not being recognized
- Database
- [New] Implements AutoCloseable (i.e. useable in try-with-resources now)
- Item
- [Bugfix] getStacksize() returning wrong value
- World
- [Bugfix] removeAllConstructionsInArea()
- [Bugfix] removeAllObjectsInArea()
- Player
- [New] setMouseCursorCoordinates()
- [New] setFlying()
- [New] isFlying()
- [New] unregisterKeys()
- [New] isKeyRegistered()
- [New] deleteAttribute()
- [New] getSystemLanguage()
- [Change] registerKeys() no longer overrides existing keys
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