Latest patch breaks game

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  • So, the new update seemed fine up until yesterday (1/14/2017) when a quick fix patch came out. We waited for servers to update before we could play. Then I go to cut down some more of my trees.... works fine at first.. then they won't actually fall down, I can't collect the logs. So, I exit the server and come back. The trees I chopped are gone of course so... lumber lost.. and I start chopping again... things work fine at first (first couple trees) then same thing again... trees won't actually fall down or break into rounds of wood... again I can't collect them. So, I give up trying to harvest trees for lumber... I use what I have already. Go to my cabin and proceed to use beams and boards to build. I'm laying down boards for my flooring... I have them stretched and lengthened to largest size.. I have a stack of 35 boards... I click to place 1 board... I set the next one and click.... I set the next and click.. bam... I'm out of boards.. I'm like wth? so I start looking at my floor and notice it don't look right.. almost as if I missed my mark where I wanted to set my flooring... looks like they stacked higher and higher each of the (supposed to be 3) boards.. so I smash it... doesn't seem to go away.. smash it again, again, again, again.. repeat....eventually I get down to 1 board being where it should be.... explains my stack of 35 or so boards gone all at once.. for some reason 1 click of mouse set 10+ boards down in a stack on the floor... so I basically had 3 stacks of 10+ boards beside each other... ok... give up building... go to mine.. now mining I get a little ways and then nothing is being removed and I have to relog again..... again... again.... there is something broke with this latest fix! I'm playing on the Serenity server. I don't think everyone is having this same problem and not sure why I should be. I uninstalled game, removed files, re-installed game.. didn't solve anything... I will do this again for good measure though.

  • Euuhmm Mardoin...

    You're a bit late to the party haha after the hotfix update you left the game after 5min meanwhile the hotfix came in 2 or 3 parts.
    you left at after the first one lol didn't see that everything was fixed in under 10min haha

    reeeelax :D Red51 got it all together but its important not to freak out and leave so quick. Patience is key to happiness! in our case it was fixed in under 10min that same update day.

  • Well, I just left cuz couldn't do what I wanted and figured it would be fixed later. I'm still running into issues though. I'm going to do a complete re-install of my client and see if it fixes it.

  • Yes after the first hotfix i was able to see the bug for myself but there was another update that i missed after i did that the problem was gone but you already left before i could tell you about it.

    perhaps you might have a corrupt file from steam update :thumbsup: reinstall or file verification should fix it just fine.

    I hope it helps cause its such a tiny thing =O and nobody else is having that bug.

  • Ok, so maybe I re-installed client in middle of patch process and it messed something up..... I have done a complete re-install of the game and seems to have fixed the issues. I do have a weird flicker issue though I hadn't noticed before.... as I move mouse, I can see beams show through from below my planks even though they should not be merged. I did free hand place boards on top of beams so no merging should of happened as might when hitting G. So, I don't know why I'd get see through board/planks flicker.

    Also, I should note... I don't notice this flicker on the part I just built to test for bugs.... only on the part of house I had previously built before latest patches and updates.

    Edited once, last by Mardoin: additional info ().

  • That's strange that should of been fixed for a great deal

    Last but not least we did a lot of changes under the hood, including a reworked rendering, and especially the implementation of a logarithmic depth buffer. This greatly improves the rendering precision, reducing z-fighting (i.e. the "flickering" of construction elements or posters) drastically. Unfortunately, the logarithmic depth buffer has an impact on performance - to improve your framerate, you can disable it in the file (set "graphic_logarithmic_depth_buffer" to false).

    I'm not really sure but check your file I think by default the new graphic_logarithmic_depth_buffer should of been set to true
    but its worth checking out just to be sure its on. :thumbsup:

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