Internet Connection effects gameplay

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  • So i had noticed some strange lag while playing on my single player world and i found that the cause was steam downloading things in the background. I then ran some test and i found that the same problem i had with lag also happens if i live stream the game, this is strange because my internet is very good and i don't have any problems in other games. Also i am only playing single player so i don't really see why that much internet connection is needed just to run the game. The lag issue i have is hard to explain, i guess it's like block lag in Minecraft. The stone i am hitting never breaks, or there is a huge delay. It's the same for hitting tree's or anything else.

  • Well... probably it's not related to the internet connection at all (since when playing in singleplayer, the game does not use your internet connection at all, everything happens locally). At least when it comes to Steam downloads, it's most likely caused by the disk usage. I remember that I had similar problems with Steam a few years ago, while downloading multiple games (or updates) simultaneously, many programs became unusable. Upgrading to an SSD drive really did the trick.

    About Rising World: The game highly depends on accessing your harddrive. When modifying the world (or when generating chunks), the game has to access your harddrive to load or store the world data. However, if accessing the harddrive becomes a bottleneck, this also slows down the game. You might not experience these issues in other games (especially not in games which have a static world).
    Not sure about the streaming program though. What streaming program do you use exactly?

  • Ok thanks, i will move the game to my SSD drive, i also had some issues with the world not generating in front of me. Might be a bad hardrive i have noticed problems in other games too. As for what recording software i used, it's called mirillis action. I doubt many people use it over OBS, i just used it because i had payed for the software a while back.

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