Randomly started getting low fps

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  • So i have around 100 hours in the game and my fps has always been great, like 100fps on avg. I streamed about 3 different times and the fps was fine but now i am getting like 40fps. And i have not changed anything, did you guys bring out an update thats messing with my fps or something?
    Is there a way i can dedicate more of my system to running the game as i have a very powerfull pc. I also run the game in 2560x1440 which may cause some issues but like i said, it was fine before. Please let me know of anyways i can dedicate more ram or Vram etc to the game, thanks.

    My PC specs
    I7 6700K
    GTX 1070 8GB
    16GB DDR4 RAM
    250GB SAMSUNG EVO SSD (Game is on here)
    + Other stuff that doesn't matter

  • One thing you could try to improve the framerate is to disable the logarithmic depth buffer, sometimes this has a noticeable impact on the performance. To do that, go to your game directory (rightclick on rw in steam -> properties -> local files -> browse local files), open the "config.properties" file with a texteditor and set "graphic_logarithmic_depth_buffer" to false, then save the file, and run the game again :)

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