Groups & Chat-Prefixes

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  • Hello RW-Community,

    can someone please help me?
    I want to set up differnt groups (Owner, Admin, Staff, etc).

    Is that correct like this?
    1.) Create a group.permission file in rootdir/permissions/groups
    2.) set set palyer into the group with setplayergroup XYZ group

    If a grup has * permission (=all), do they still need admin (makeadmin XYZ ?)

    Config looks like this:

    group: staff
    chatprefix: (Staff)
    shownametag: true
    showadmintag: true
    nametagprefix: (Staff)
    nametagprefixcolor: 0xFF0000

    Put ingame and in Chat (I tried Zcript and AdminTools) is always shown [admin] not (Staff) - how can i change the prefix of the tab list, and the ingame chat list?
    Is that because of showadmintag?

    MyNameIsThat :thumbsup:

  • Is that correct like this?
    1.) Create a group.permission file in rootdir/permissions/groups
    2.) set set palyer into the group with setplayergroup XYZ group

    Yes, that's correct :)

    If a grup has * permission (=all), do they still need admin (makeadmin XYZ ?)

    Not necessarily. Basically the "admin" setting in the file just grants you all permissions. However, most Lua scripts only take this admin setting into account.

    Put ingame and in Chat (I tried Zcript and AdminTools) is always shown [admin] not (Staff) - how can i change the prefix of the tab list, and the ingame chat list?

    The group permission looks fine... if you're referring to the "[admin]" next to your playername in the player list (tab): As long as you're an admin (in the, you will always have this "[admin]" tag.
    Not sure if Zcript and AdminTools fully take your permissions into account... maybe test the permission on a server without any scripts/plugins.

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