Multiplayer server wont load

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  • Hello everyone.. long time ago. =)
    I just wanted to login to a multiplayer server. I doubleklicked to connect but then the server did not start to load.

    Anyone had this problem allready? i allready switched my Kapersky off but it didnt change anything.

    Thanks for your help.

    Cheers COHIBA

  • Does this only happen if you try to join a specific server, or can't you join any servers? What happens exactly when joining a server? Do you get an error message? Or do you get stuck in the loading menu (in this case, what does the loading bar say)?
    If you can't join any servers, it's most likely caused by a firewall or an antivirus program. Sometimes it's not sufficient to disable the antivirus scanners, you have to put the game explicitly on the exception list.
    Eventually you can provide a log file, to do that, go to your game directory, open the "" file with a texteditor and set "game_debug_console" to true, then save the file, and run the game again. Try to join a server and wait at least 1 minute, then quit the game, and go to the "Logs" folder in your game directory. There should be a new log file now, please upload this file here ;)

  • Allright, thats the "LOG" and a screeshot from the loading-Screen. I get stuck on that and it wont start loading. Kapersky Anti Vir was disabled (not just inactive). And i added all the (programms) kapersky found on my computer from steam and rising world to the "trust-list" And i tryed on various servers.

    Once there was a popup on rising world menu view. Error: another software on your computer is keeping the server from loading.

    But as allready mentioned. The kapersky i use was 100% OFF

    i dont know what im doing wrong.


    • 20170420205938_1.jpg


    Edited once, last by COHIBA ().

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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