The chest has gone.

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  • I started a game and built a workbench but as yet, I can find no chest or storage item on it to put my stuff in.

    I know it's right at the start of the game but you do often travel a fair distance to find the perfect spot and undoubtedly, you'll pick up a few useful things on the way. All I want is somewhere safe to store them temporarily so it leave the rest of my inventory free to start building my new home. None of the workbenches have storage space (unless you include the forge while it's smelting ingots for you) so you can't put items to use for crafting in them. That means your entire inventory has to be used for storage for crafting as well as for your tools, weapons and food etc. If you've already picked up skins, cotton and such for later use while on your travels to find the perfect spot for your home, there's nowhere to put them so they remain in your inventory, limiting the space you have to build your dream home.

    It seems, until you create a tier 2 workbench, you are stuck with everything cluttering your inventory. Dropping them near where you are building results in despawn so that's not an option either.

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