New Crafting menu

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  • Hello folks,

    I want to show you the new crafting gui, which is much clearer and offers a lot more options than the previous one ;)

    Generally, there are currently three different types of things you can craft: Items, objects and blocks. Items (like the pickaxe) have no options you can set when crafting, but objects and blocks have different variations or shapes that can be defined in the crafting menu.

    Lets begin with blocks, as they are a special case: Instead of having a list of all available blocks, you see a material preview. When you select a material, the 3D preview model of the block on the right side adapts this material. There you're also able to change the form of the block to a cylinder, ramp, stair etc., simply by clicking the left and right arrows next to the model. You also see the name, a description and the required materials of the block (and also for items/objects). If you don't have all required ingredients, you cannot craft.

    Apart from that you're able to change to amount of items/block/objects you want to craft. You can change the amount with the + and -, or by using your mousewheel when hovering the countlabel.

    Blocks have an extra feature: You can add materials to your favorites, to offer you quick access to commonly used materials. Simply click the small star in the top right corner of the 3D model to add the material to your favorites, and click the star again to remove it from your favorites again.

    Next, let's talk about objects: Instead of changing the shape, you change the variation of the object when clicking the left and right arrows.

    There is also another feature, that works for objects, items and blocks: Double-clicking the 3D model gives you a fullscreen preview of the model, that you can also rotate by dragging it with your mouse.

    We hope you enjoy the new crafting menu and the new objects as well as the new blocktypes :) Have fun!

  • Yes, definitely. We want to introduce several different ores (e.g. coal, iron, copper, silver, gold) as well as different materials (e.g. marble, sand, sandstone). So it's currently just a placeholder that most stuff is made out of stone ;)

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