Crashing either at JIW load screen or in game

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  • Thanks for the log file! What graphics card do you use exactly?
    This error looks like an internal Java or Windows error... make sure to install the latest Windows 10 update. Maybe it's also worth a try to delete all game files and re-download them via the launcher.

    I've also added another executable, please find it attached (just download and extract it into your game directory, then run the game through this file). It allocates more RAM to the game (which is definitely preferable), that may help.

    If you still run into the same error, please let me know :)

  • as far as videocard

    zotac gt 730 4GB zone edition...have never had a problem w/ the card at least on steam edition of rw...just recently purchased the standalone edition

  • ok I think we've got it...was still getting crash after installing the new executable. but I notice new error pointed directly to java...reinstalled both...exec then reinstall they seem to be getting along

    Thank you Red....your always a huge help and I'm addicted to the :D

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