Optimizing Rising World for a tablet

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  • So... usually I play Rising World on my normal laptop (with nvidia 660M graphics card and like 12GB RAM). Obviously I have very little trouble running the game.

    However, I discovered the goodness of playing it on my tablet too(Surface tablet with 4gb ram and intel graphics). Sure, the screen is smaller. But the colors are great and the resolution makes everything look extra pretty... which my laptop doesn't have. However... for obvious reasons, it doesn't... quite... run so well. It'll run and all, but it stutters and lags. I'd love to be able to play it properly and I know there's a lot of settings that can vastly improve fps and whatnot. However, I'm not very good with knowing what setting does what and then you have to restart to see the changes for a lot of them (Tooltips would be nice. Red51, please, if you read this, could you sometime add tooltips to all the settings?) and there's also stuff in the config file that'll help too.

    So... could anyone please help me find settings that'd optimize my experience on this beautiful tablet?

    Thank you for your time :)

    If I respond in German, sorry for bad grammar. I don't speak German, but I do speak Google Translate. The community seems too nice to stay away!


    Wenn ich auf Deutsch antworte, entschuldige ich für jede schlechte Grammatik. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber ich spreche Google Translate. Die Gemeinde scheint zu schön, nicht zu bleiben!

  • Sorry for my late response! Running the game on a tablet is tricky, but it's basically possible (as long as the tablet has enough power - which is true for most MS Surface tablets). There are a few things you should disable in the "config.properties" file (in your game directory, to get there, rightclick on rw in steam -> properties -> local files -> browse local files) in order to improve the performance:

    • set graphic_logarithmic_depthbuffer to false
    • set graphic_texture_quality to 0

    Optionally you can disable grass by setting graphic_grass to false, however, the game looks really bland without grass (but it results in a big performance boost).

    In addition, you can go to your game settings and disable "Light Scattering", "Refractions", "Ambient Occlusion" and "Water Reflections" in order to improve the performance. Ultimately, you can reduce the "View distance" and especially the "Detail distance" :)

  • OMG thank you so much! I did that and it runs a lot better now!

    Running RW in that tablet is important because every year I take a long trip, and the tablet's what I take for that. It doesn't have much space so I only put my favourite games there, and RW is on that list!

    Thank you for your response and thank you for creating this wonderful game. I wish you only the best!

    If I respond in German, sorry for bad grammar. I don't speak German, but I do speak Google Translate. The community seems too nice to stay away!


    Wenn ich auf Deutsch antworte, entschuldige ich für jede schlechte Grammatik. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber ich spreche Google Translate. Die Gemeinde scheint zu schön, nicht zu bleiben!

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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