"Land Of Auir" PvP Server! IP:

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Future update!

    Goblins (Horde)
    Race abilities

    • Starts off with the following items
    • Mallet
    • Axe
    • Water Bucket
    • Flare ( Do not sell) can by off economy, cannot craft
    • Compass
    • Clock

    Are able to craft & use Blueprints ( Gnomes & Goblins Only Ability )
    There will be (2) Gnome groups made.
    1. Goblins.permissions
    2. MasterGoblins.permissions

    “Goblins are the only race that can place and destroy water, allowing them to aid there team in battle while keeping the most non water population area refreshed.”
    Although the Gnomes & Goblins are masters at building stuff, they will not be able to use the animal breeding system.
    They can feed the animals but they will not be able to craft a rollin pin to control them.
    Can use the PnB plugin ( Gnomes & Goblins Only )
    To make sure the Gnomes & Goblins are not too OP i have changed the Pricing ratio from 1 to 3.
    Gnomes & Goblins will have to go though another quest in-order to obtain this ability.

    Iron Plates and Iron Rods

    Can only be crafted by.

    Dwarves {{ Alliance }} This is a Race ability from which the dwarves knows how to make from the start.

    Goblins {{ Horde }} The Goblins will need to learn how to craft the plates and rods first before they can be a true engineer.

    Future Classes for the Goblins

    There will be a quest that allows the player to choose which path they wanna go.

    here are the example groups

    Goblins ** Engineer**

    You still get everything a regular goblin group gets, plus.
    While in this class, you can craft…

    • Plates
    • Rods
    • Blueprints

    Goblins ** Rogue**
    You still get everything a regular goblin group gets, plus.
    While in this class, you can craft…

    • Light Functions
    • Name tag turned off, so other players cannot see you coming.
    • Huntingknife: as a Rogue you will need to know how to make leather. ( Only Trolls, Goblin {{ Rogues }}, Humans) Can skin leather.

    Also you are giving Sand By the Overseer, this will allow you to build sand items, but also allow you to use the

    Glasspane: Use this item to set-up traps for your enemies

    Sand: set at the economy price of 50 coins each.

  • NEW Server Item Prices UPDATE coming soon:

    - Map : $0 (In the players Inventory)
    - Tent: $0 (In the players Inventory)

    Farming block-

    - Block id 217: $12 to 27 coins each (In the players Inventory)

    Mining -

    - Stone Ore: from $10 to 75 coins each (In the players Inventory)
    - Aluminium Orce: $800 coins each (In the players Inventory)
    - Gold Ore: $200 to 500 coins each (In the players Inventory)
    - Coal Ore: $36 to 48 coins each (In the players Inventory)
    - Iron Ore: $25 to 67 coins each (In the players Inventory)
    - Copper Ore: $20 to 59 coins each (In the players Inventory)
    - Mithril Ore: $10,000 coins each (In the players Inventory)
    - Silver Ore: $35 to 50 coins each (In the players Inventory)
    - Sulfer Ore : Banned
    - All Ingots : $0 (Can only craft)
    - All plates : $0 (Can only craft)
    - All Rods : $0 (Can only craft)

    Materials -

    - Paper : $0 (Can only craft)
    - Leg Splint: $5 coins each (Can only craft)
    - Rolling Pin : $0 (Can only craft)
    - All Sapplings including apple, lemons, cotton, corn, etc : $0 ( The player must quest inorder to obtain these items).
    - Cotton : $0 (Found in The Barrens, Hillsbrad Foothills)
    - Cloth : $0 (Can only craft)
    - Wool : $0 (Found in The Barrens)
    - Small Shelter: $4 coins each (Can only craft)
    - Fireplace : $0 (Can only craft)
    - Skewer : $0 (Can only craft)
    - Grill Split : $0 (Can only craft)
    - Work Bench : $0 (Can only craft)
    - Big Torch: $1312 coins each (Can only craft)
    - Lantern: $1 coins each (Can only craft)
    - Torch: $1 coins each (Can only craft)
    - Torchwoodmount: $1 coins each (Can only craft)
    - Torchwoodmount: $5 coins each (Can only craft)
    - flare: $120 coins each (Can only craft)
    - Torchwallmount: $40 coins each (Can only craft)
    - Bambootorch: $12 coins each ( Can only craft)
    - Bucketmetal: $320 coins each ( Can only craft)
    - Poster: $400 coins each ( Can only craft)
    - Hemp Fibers : $0 ( Found in Mulgore Only)
    - Hempleaves: $30 to 12 coins each ( Found in Mulgore Only)
    - Pumpkins: $0 coins each ( Found in Elwynn Forest, Tirisfal Glades Only)


    • Willow : 200 (Tauren Druid ONLY)
    • Cherry: 200 ( Night Elf Druid ONLY)

    Weapons -

    - Huntingknife : $0 (Starting Item)
    - Axe : $0 (Starting Item)
    - Sledge Hammer : $0 (Starting Item)
    - Swordiron : $0 (Starting Item)
    - Morningstar : $0 (Starting Item)

    Workshops -

    Big Smelting Furnace : $0 (Starting Item) (Can only craft)
    Blockbench : $0 (Can only craft)
    Sawbench : $0 (Can only craft)
    Smelting Furnace : $0 (Can only craft)
    Paper Press: $0 (Can only craft)
    Loom : $0 (Can only craft)
    Workbench Tier 2 : $0 (Can only craft)
    Spinning Wheel : $0 (Can only craft)
    Tanning Rack : $0 (Can only craft)
    Grinding Station : $0 (Can only craft)
    Ladders: $0 (Can only craft)

    Wood -

    -Maple Log: $24 coins each ( Found in Ashenvale, Felwood, and Teldrassil, Only)
    -Willow Log: $67 to 17 coins each ( Found in Mulgore, Only)
    -Acacia Log: $32 to 50 coins each ( Found in Barrens & Durotar, Only)
    -Palm Log: $32 to 23 coins each ( Found in Barrens, Only)
    - Lumber: $8 coins each (Can only craft)
    - Stick: $2 coins each (Can only craft)
    - Dead Log: $40 coins each ( Found in Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest, Only)
    - Birch Log: $26 coins each ( Found in Hillsbard Foothills, Only)
    - Spruch Log: $40 coins each ( Found in Alterac Mountains, Only)
    - Poplar Log: $100 to 110 coins each ( Found in Elwynn Forest, Only)
    - Cherry Log: $15 coins each ( Found in Loch Modan, Teldrassil Only)
    - Lemon Log: $20 to 25 coins each ( Found in Loch Modan, Teldrassil Only)
    - Apple Log: $32 to 37 coins each ( Found in Loch Modan)

    Food items ( Player to Player selling ) Trading

    "Depending on the economy, players can choose to sell there food to other players for trades, items worth from 20 coins to 60 coins each stack".
    - Corn: $0 coins each ( Found in Durotar, Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest Only)
    - Cheery: $0 coins each ( Found in Teldrassil)
    - Chili: $0 coins each ( Found in Mulgore, Don Morogh Only)
    - Lemons: $0 coins each ( Found in Mulgore, Teldrassil Only)
    - Apples: $0 coins each ( Found in Loch Modan, Only)
    - Watermelons: $0 coins each ( Found in Durotar)
    - strawberries: $0 coins each ( )
    - Broccoli: $0 coins each ( )
    - Lettuce: $0 coins each ( )
    - Carrots: $0 coins each (Found in Elwynn Forest, Only )
    - Tomatos: $0 coins each ( )
    - Tomatos: $0 coins each ( )
    - Potatos: $0 coins each ( )
    - Corn: $0 coins each ( )
    - Sugarbeets: $0 coins each ( )

  • OK Taurens and night elves, that would love to become druids. Complete the Quest below

    Druid: Natures Blessings
    Items neededFor TAUREN’s
    1. Willow saplings x 200
    2. Poplar Saplings x 1000
    3. Palm Saplings x 300
    4. Maple Saplings x 50
    5. Acacia Saplings x 500
    6. Apple Logs x 300
    Druid: Natures Blessings
    Items needed
    For Night Elves
    1. Cherry saplings x 200
    2. Poplar Saplings x 1000
    3. Palm Saplings x 300
    4. Maple Saplings x 50
    5. Acacia Saplings x 500
    6. Apple Logs x 300
    Once all items are collected, place them in your chest, with a sign labeled “ Natures Blessings”

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