Game Crashing When Putting Clothing in Night Stand

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  • Here's the error code:

    Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 -H:3072 -D:3072 (Steam)
    AMD A10-8700P Radeon R6, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G, 80AF, 7628 MB (3186 MB Heap)
    AMD Radeon(TM) R6 Graphics 20150806000000.000000-000 15.201.1101.0
    at java.nio.Buffer.nextPutIndex(Unknown Source)
    at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.putFloat(Unknown Source)
    at commons.util.Utils$ConversionUtils.chestToByteArray(SourceFile:1413)
    at aL.c.d(SourceFile:258)
    at aP.d.d(SourceFile:86)
    at aQ.w.execute(SourceFile:42)

    It crashed after putting the warm outfit in the night stand. This is the second time it's happened. After getting back on the first time, my leather armor and Trek boots (think that's what they're called) were gone. My flannel shirt was still there though. I haven't gotten back on yet to see if anything disappeared this time.

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