Creating rivers and mixed textures

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  • Greetings.

    Suggestion for creative mode:
    Modify the topography (create rivers and mountains, for example) it would be better if we can click and drag instead of clicking several times. It would be perfect to create rivers and big lakes.

    Another thing that would be interesting: choose the direction of water animation.
    Currently the water shader always goes in the same direction, and this is strange because the river is going to the right and the water in the reverse direction, up the hill.

    Another cool thing: Define "texture transparency" in creative mode.
    For example:

    I have a stone texture, but I want it a bit dirty, for that I apply the first texture(stone) 100% "solid" and second texture (dirt) with 80% transparency.

    If I can mix 2 or 3 textures, I will create much more realistic and personalized scenarios. The same should apply to all planks, logs and beams: Create everything with a generic texture, then paint the blocks, beams, logs and planks using the "PAINT" tool.

  • If I can mix 2 or 3 textures, I will create much more realistic and personalized scenarios. The same should apply to all planks, logs and beams: Create everything with a generic texture, then paint the blocks, beams, logs and planks using the "PAINT" tool.

    YES! All of what you said. Though transparency may be a big ask. I've been pining for a Paint tool since the beginning. Actually delaying decorating in hopes it happens. I want a color picker tool that allows me to pick a color hex, rgb, whatever as long as I get to determine the color. :!:

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