Top 5 Wishlist 2018

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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  • First of all merry christmas and hopefully a good (rising world) year ahead.
    And big thanks for Red and the team for bringing nice and big updates to the game, they desirve a little time off ;).

    Now that 2017 is almost behind us its time to move onwards to 2018. Whats are ure 5 most anticipated functions/models/items/... for rising world? If whe all tell our top 5 (1 is most anticipated, 5 slightly less on the list ;) ) maybe red can put some inspiration from the list for the upcomming updates.
    My list:

    1. New construction mechanics : being able to build arches (gothic ones), more round buildings, smaller blocks (no 0.5meter walls anymore) and lots of new shapes
    2. New/ revised terrain generator/renderer: beeing able to craft more realistic worlds with more detail
    3. higher viewsettings: beeing able to see huge buildings from a distance ;)
    4. electricity: so whe can make more modern buildings (power plants, distribution cables, transformers, windmille,...)
    5. Vehicles: and i mean everything, horses camels, cars, trains, plains, boats, spaceships,...

    These are my 5 most anticipated functions for this great game. Tell me what ure items are.

    And again, merry christmas and a happy newer year ;)

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