How do I change grid size using my laptops +/- keys?

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  • Good morning to all,

    How do I change grid size using my laptops " +/- " keys? My Laptop's keyboard doesn't have a numeric keypad like desktop keyboards do so my regular " +/- " do not change the grid size. Is there another way to do this?

    Thank you all in advance for any help you can give.

    P.S. love this game!

  • The +/- keys next to 0 don't work? try also shift and the key with =/+ on it.

    Does your keyboard have an overlay on the keys on the right hand side e.g. "iopjklbnm" and the keys right from them with small numbers like a numpad? If yes then use NumLock and then type in the keys you see the symbol + and - on.

    You could change the key bindings to some other keys you find more convenient. To do that go to options and then the "controls" (i think it is called that at least) tab.

    PS: moved your post here from the tutorials section since it is more of a question than a tutorial.

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