SIngleplayer Game - Friends who join do not have access to F3/debug - Is that normal?

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  • My partner and I like playing together, but when she presses the F3 key she doesn't see what I believe is called the 'debug" info. She only sees the other two info displays (Buffer? and FPS? - I never look at THEM, so I'm trying to remember what they show!? LOL).

    My guess is that maybe only the 'host' of the game, is allowed to see the debug info, but as it includes so much valuable information such as coordinates (especially altitude), direction, hunger and thirst levels, etc. I frequently reference it whilst playing and wish that my partner could too.

    Is it normal that someone else joining my Singleplayer game is not able to see the Debug info, or can we do something to correct that?

  • Is it normal that someone else joining my Singleplayer game is not able to see the Debug info, or can we do something to correct that?

    Hmm... it's definitely not supposed to happen, but I think I saw a similar issue a few weeks ago. Maybe this is indeed a bug, I will check out what's going on there :)

  • Thanks again red51. I am VERY impressed with your responsiveness (as well as the game, itself, of course :) !)

    p.s. I don't know if it's important to let you know that we're using Mac Computers!?

    Edited once, last by zIpPeDy: added info (re Mac use) ().

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