Dedicated Linux Server - Unable to start

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  • I posted this on the Steam Discussions, but wanted to crosspost here in case this is read more frequently.

    I've just downloaded the latest server on my Linux server, java version 8 (latest), and each time I attempt to start the server it fails with the following error:

    RW SERVER: Fatal error occurred!
    com.codedisaster.steamworks.SteamException: Error initializing Steam Server API
    at server.i.a(SourceFile:75)
    at server.Main.h(SourceFile:544)
    at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:254)
    at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:236)
    at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(

    I've uninstalled/reinstalled the server and java (even tried Java 9, no love).

    I've tried copying the file from <serverdir>/linux64 into the game install dir, I've tried copying the file from the Steam dir itself, but nothing I do seems to allow me to bypass this.

    I am using the script to start the server that it comes with, so LD_LIBRARY_PATH is being exported.

    Any ideas would be great. Thanks

  • Same issue on my server.

    I just did a full reinstall of the server, removed the whole dir ( Always keep a backup available. ;) ) and this didn't seem to fix the problem. A fresh install of SteamCMD didn't help either, nor did replacing both files with those shipped by steam do anything.
    //END EDIT

    Decided to enroll a new LXC container, rather then having it run under special user on a shared VPS.
    Will let you know if I encounter any issues, still.
    //END EDIT2

  • Got it running on the new host already.. ^_^"
    Figured it might have been another issue.
    Will spin the VPS up to see if it works there, too. // EDIT: It works.

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