i cant log in after Crash on Singelplayer

  • I was testing the game in singleplayer and then my PC crashes. After restart i wanna join RW again and get the error: Account already in use.

    How can i join the Game?
    How can i tell the launcher that i am NOT ingame?

  • I have been getting the same problem my username is bbail76 please help I just bought it

  • Can you please tell us your loginname?

    Same here. Would be nice to have something to cleanup unresponsive accounts. I waited for an hour, but the game still won't log in ("Account already in use"). Since the game is in it's early stage, I suspect this will be a common problem... and not so much fun! As a solution, the game should implement a hardware profiling check-up, and send that profile when logging in. This would benefit in at least two things :

    1. when blocked, a login attempt using the exact same hardware could unblock the account;
    2. when unblocking, DEV could assume something went wrong and the game crashed (or something like that) and needed to be restarted without logging out first.

    Of course, there's always the matter of hackers forging data; so sending the current IP and date could help, too. Resolving the IP to a location is fairly easy, and this information can be saved along with the credentials so further attemts can validate some form of authenticity. Or, at best, log the last X logins and check for some discrepancy (ex: alternating IP addresses, multiple logins with no logouts, etc.)

    My 2 cents.

  • ^^ just registered. I came from the Website and thought I was already logged in.

  • Usually you will be logged out immediately after you shutdown the game or close the connection :) Sometimes there may be a delay of a few seconds. The most common problem is that sometimes (when crashing) the game still runs in background and keeps the connection established. Check your taskmanager if there is a "risingworld.exe" or "java.exe" process running.
    Please let us know if it happens again, especially when there is no such process running in background ;)

  • I'm on Linux, so I switched to VT1 and killed the entire "java" process tree. Then I restarted Gnome Shell. The game was running at about 1 FPM (yes, minute), and it consumed 100% of all my CPUs (I have an i7!). It actually took me a solid 10-15 minutes to shut it down... I edited the "risingworld.sh" executable and adjusted the memory to 4GB instead of 1GB (I have 16GB total). I'm not sure how long it took to unlock my account, or how the account was unlocked, as I was only able to retry after work, today, and was only able to log in tonight. (I have not restarted the computer since the last Kernel update... about 4-5 weeks ago.)

    There didn't seem to have any remnant of the game running in the background as killing all "java" terminated the entire processes trees for the JVM... and the CPU and memory usage was back to normal.

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