Hey folks!
It's about to happen again: A new update ist available!
This update brings some new and quite important features! The most important feature is the ability to create chests, which serve as a storage for your items. There are currently several different chests available, some wooden chest, a metal chest and also a wooden barrel. Apart from that, some of the regular furniture also offer storage space, for example the sidetable, desk and some kitchenets. You can also use the "Gear" function of a camping tent now.
Next, this update brings trashcans, which are used for the disposal of items, and also a new craftingstation, an anvil. In the same vein, we changed some of the recipes; for example, if you want to create a pickaxe now, you first need to forge the head of the pickaxe as a single component, and then combine it with a stick to get the final item.
Last but not least, this update brings more new objects: For example a ceiling fan, different grates and rails, a new bed and a new chair.
Apart from the new content, we fixed several bugs (e.g. the tent context menu works now again) and did some other minor changes.
Full changelog:
- [New] New feature: Chests. Related objects: Chests, Barrel, Sidetable, Desk, Tent, Kitchenets (i.e. those objects are acutally a chest/storage unit)
- [New] New craftingstation: Anvil, which is used to craft metal components
- [New] New objects: Trashcans, which are used for the disposal of items
- [New] New objects: Ceiling fan, Rails, Grates, Vents, Officechair, Bunk bed
- [New] Added variations for lattice door, desk and small tables
- [New] Added new metal items which serve as a basic component when crafting
- [New] Added sounds when climbing ladders
- [Change] Added a warning message when only 32-bit java is installed on a 64-bit OS (this combination causes the game to crash in most cases)
- [Change] Moved assetloading to another threads, this speeds up the initial gamestart by 4-7 seconds, but can also be disabled in config file if it causes trouble
- [Change] Moved integrated server (which is also responsible for singleplayer) to a separate thread, should make the game in SP or in MP when hosting run more smoothly
- [Change] Did a small adjustment for falling leaves effect (increased particle count and lifetime)
- [Change] Changed a few recipes and moved some items/objects to other craftingstations
- [Change] Changed appearance of objects when they're in your inventory (removed labels and added a small construction icon)
- [Change] Updated debug screen (F3) to show current CPU load of the game
- [Bugfix] Made the context menu work again (scrolling was broken in previous versions, concerns tents and other players)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong objectplacement on stairs
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong placement of torchmounts on cylinders
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing tooltips for objects when they're in your inventory
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong lighting of keys when using a piano in some cases