Server on dynamic IP

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  • Folks, I have a scenario of two ISP, both with dynamic IP. Thus I associated a Dynamic DNS Service to a server inside my network (IP:

    The problem is that this IP makes no sense at "server.proprieties" config file nor as a public IP to the players connect.

    Therefore, I'm wondering if it is possible to add the config parameter such as "DNS name of the server" at the config file and handle it properly.

    Does anyone have the same problem?

    Thanks in advance.

  • It doesn't matter if your IP is dynamic. When you host a server and have your ports open properly, your server will list on the master server browser.

    You do NOT have to enter your outside IP address in

    You do NOT setup a Dynamic DNS service to your inside IP address (e.g. | .. you setup your dynamic DNS service to your real world outside Dynamic IP address (e.g. go to If you install the Dynamic DNS client and configure it with your Dynamic account, it will auto update the dynamic DNS with whatever outside IP address your ISP provides you. e.g. will point to your outside IP address.

    hope this helps!

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Thank you for your comment, but doesn't help. Sorry. The ports are properly mapped but the server is not listed on the master server browser. This is the scenario:

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks

  • It's because I notice in your image, your ISP modems are also routers, thus blocking your ports. Your TL-R470T is also a router.

    Best approach, reconfigure your ISP modem/router(s) to be in bridged mode (this way it disables router functionality and acts as a modem only). Do this for BOTH.
    Then you do the port forwards of 4254-4259 TCP and UDP (both protocols are required) on your TL-R470T (port forward range 4254-4259 (TCP and UDP) to (your server inside IP address).

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • It's because I notice in your image, your ISP modems are also routers, thus blocking your ports.

    Humnmm... The Ports are open also at the both modens/routers. I'll try bridge option and let you know. Thanks

  • Quote from ovelho

    Humnmm... The Ports are open also at the both modens/routers.

    But you have 3 different IP networks (192.168.2.x | 192.168.0.x and 10.1.0.x), so the port forwards you setup on the modem/routers cannot see your internal server at (so those port forwards will not work properly). When you reconfigure the modems/routers as a bridge, those modems will acquire your real outside IP address and pass that to your TL (not double NAT your traffic through 2 routers as your image demonstrates) The TL-R470T then will get 2 real outside IP addresses from your bridge modems and use one as a failover should the primary go down.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

    Edited once, last by Juggernaut ().

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