Group issue

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  • I have made a group in the default.permissions file to get all the players on my server in the same group, and also tried and put all the players in the same group in the sql lite db but what i dont seems to get to work is the marker on map and the "tracer ring" thingy.
    I still need to manually go to the player/players and invite them to group to actually make us able to follow each other on the map and to see the "tracer ring" ...
    Any way to fix this so it get's activated automagically ????

  • You are confusing two different things here,

    1) the permission group i.e default.permissions applies to all non admin players on the server, they are members of that group no matter what they do. But this is only a permission group i.e. illustrates what the players can and cannot do on the server it is not meant for you to be able to see other members of the same permission group as you on the map.

    2) the group by invitation in game, this is a group that only acts as a temporary party of players who want to play together and see each other on the map, this has nothing to do with the permission system and you cannot have people automatically being members of such a group you need to invite them every time you come online.

  • so theres no way around the "need to invite them every time" ??
    Would have ben nice to have that "group by invitation" extras work by default on the group.....

  • No there is no way unfortunately because these groups you are referring to are not permanent, once you disconnect they are disbanded :(

    Would be nice to have a friend list kind of feature where you can see the friends on the map even though they are not in your "group"

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