Weapons stats

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  • Hello,

    I've seen this topic on Steam forums and I think it would be interesting to see it here. Link : https://steamcommunity.com/app…ns/0/3393916911750368110/
    It would be nice to have these ingame (like the protection for armors). Also : We have a secondary attack with right mouse button, did that attack do more damage ? And I think the range is different between weapons (mace seems to hit shorter than axes). is it real ?


    The list below will show you the BD {Base Damage} with is how much damage you can deal to a player when they don't have any armor. The AD {Armor Damage} shows how much damage you can deal to player when they have armor equipped. Also all projectile weapons will kill any player when they are shot in the head, no matter if they wear armor or not. Head Shots Are Deadly!

    (Note: You must wear both the armor and the helmet for you to protect yourself. Wearing just the helmet will not protect you from damage. However, wearing the just the armor will protect you from some of the damage; somewhere around 50%. Wearing the helmet and the armor will protect you from around 70% of the incoming damage, which is shown in the list below)


    Wooden Sword 10 3
    Sword 40 15
    Longsword 45 17
    Demonic Sword 60 23
    Katana 60 23
    Master Sword 70 27
    Legendary Sword 80 31
    Battleaxe 60 23
    Master Battleaxe 70 27
    Warhammer 42 19
    Deadly Warhammer 70 27
    Mace 55 21
    Morningstar 60 23
    Deadly Mace 65 25
    Reflexbow 35 13
    Crossbow 35 13
    Blackbow 35 13
    Semiauto Rifle 50 19
    Rifle Repeater 60 23
    Musket 80 31


    Stone axe 15 5
    Pickaxe 15 5
    Steel pickaxe 30 11
    Mining drill 5dps 1dps
    Sledgehammer 30 11
    Steel Sledgehammer 30 11
    Axe 25 9
    Steel axe 35 13
    Chainsaw 10dps 3dps
    Scythe 30 11
    Sickle 15 5
    Wooden Rake 5 1
    Rake 5 1
    Hoe 10 3
    Steel Hoe 10 3
    Hunting knife 20 7
    Crowbar 20 7
    Rolling Pin 1 0

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