java command to improve FPS ?

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  • Hi there !

    Since JAVA is used for Rising World, can we use some JVM arguments at launch?
    Will it be possible that way to improve the FPS of the game ? (changing the amount of memory, cache size, or whatever else...)

    Thanks in advance for experience sharing !

  • Do you use the standalone or Steam version of the game? It is possible to use own JVM arguments at launch, however, if you're using the Steam version, there is no need to do that (since RW is already launched with all required arguments). You can, however, assign more RAM to the game if you have more than 10 GB of RAM available (memory allocation is done automatically, but the game never allocated more than 7 GB of RAM by default - but you can override this by setting a launch option [rightclick on RW in Steam -> Properties -> Set launch option -> enter "+memory DIRECT HEAP" (replace DIRECT with the amount of direct memory, and HEAP with the amount of heap memory, e.g. "+memory 4096 4096" to assign 8 GB of RAM)]) ;)

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