Item rotation in crafting window poll

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  • What would you prefer to see in the crafting window to view the craftable items? 7

    1. Player holds left mouse button on the item to rotate it as they want. (5) 71%
    2. Item automatically rotates. (1) 14%
    3. Same as #2 but with momentum. (1) 14%
    4. No rotation. Item just stays put. (0) 0%
    5. No rotation, but item can be cycled through different views like top, side, front... by clicking a button next to the window. (0) 0%

    So here it is. Make your choice and don't gripe about what others want etc.. You get one chance to choose so think before you click!

    Maybe someone wants to do the same poll but in the German section?

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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