btw @Killem was very helpful on the server collecting stone with me just thought I'd share
Posts by Turbo614
The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
It's a known issue, not a big one, need to fix it when things calm down (currently giving support in Steam forums consumes a lot of time)
i was gonna hold on to this extremely tiny,almost non-important bug,but i'll forget so there ya go
going to try it now
yeah I hope not
The devs are going to have to address this. This is the same issue we have been having for over a week now and none of the updates have fixed it apparently. Not much I can do. Is this problem happening on other servers?
to be honest, i don't know......have not tried..... i like yours lol
i'll join in on that test...i'm eastern time btw @Absalom i'm still getting that 20 min. error message.
good job bud.
guess I should be more specific.this is for the devs @red51
re-download a fresh copy of the server files.
Thats a new one I've never seen
tomorrow I'll do a video on some commands and "creative fencing"....yes let's call it that .
well your how I found this game and btw sorry for posting a link to my video on sculpting the ground on your latest video #5 but I thought you'd find it helpful
you might get a better/quicker answer if you move this too technical/client do it for you but I can't single player this happened to me only one time I restarted and all was well...on a server its up to the host of you have those commands or not...the 3rd concern I've not experienced.
my opinion is this: java is a well documented and to be honest the most used and popular of the oop's the engine they are using is unity the oop (programming language) is java.not that other languages aren't flexible,they are but java is and has been king if you will and most likely will continue to be for at least the next ten years.....also some of the most popular games are written in Java
....and that video is here: Let's Play Rising World(12-15-14)
Btw., the connection error is not necessarily related to the server. It can also indicate that something went wrong clientside. In this case, it is alway important to know if any errorlogs or hs_err_pid files are in the game directory.
i have 4 such entries with that name.
2 dated yesterday and 2 dated today.....should i pastebin the latest of the four @red51? -
my whole house disappeared lol steam grab
the only thing i noticed as of this early alpha is that you can destroy blocks with one hit.