OK,here is my paste-bin in regards to the aforementioned issues.this does NOT reflect the disconnection errors in my last replys picture.
Posts by Turbo614
The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
i've been on 3-4 diff times within the last 2 hrs.runs good but after 15-20 mins. the connection error shows up.
I'll have a YouTube video up in the hour.... I used banisters for now
well,like the title says.............for our "future farming" or just to fence in our yards.
zombie this,zombie that..........it's getting kinda old.not that we have a say.but a rabid dog sounds like the right way to go..........rabies infested animals instead of mythical creatures will certainly play well into the devs ideas of incorporating diseases into the game......i mean think about it.......actual diseases are way more scary than any made up "mob"
figured I'd put this here,this way the devs can add it too the list of fixes.
"item treelog 32"
There will be different biomes.this info comes right from red51.........in one of these threads
For me, it actually does not invert the mouse wheel scroll menu. Instead, it just switches left and right of the mouse movement
i'm wondering then if it's a bit buggy perhaps...i was expecting all mouse movements to be inverted....which i wouldn't want,but it simply reversed the mouse scrolling for me.
if you tried,you would see it only reverses the mouse wheel scroll.
In the Settings or Controls screen, please provide a tick-box option to invert the scrollbar.
What will this do?
It will allow the hotbar scrolling to be inverted, so up will go right, down will go left.
click the "invert mouse button" in game settings
that makes no sense to me.... and that's not step by step for someone that has no idea what to do
that's just the basics.You may just want to join someone elses game if your not comfortable or do not understand those instructions.
Heck,i get lost now with the world size the way it is..........i'd really be screwed in a "infinite" world.
can someone that knows how to setup a server <>just wanting it for a friend and i to play together on<>
That tutorial is >>>>>>>>>>>right here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Its Nice there's servers, but they are worthless when no one can connect to any servers, i keep getting timed out or they won't even connect
The game itself is alpha.........and so are the servers being worked on...in time they will be just as awesome as the game.patience.
this is why "f2" then hit space is currently in survival.......keeps you from dying.they are working on that bug.....that is an interesting problem though,i've not had that happen.suggestion..........move the anvil from under that bench.
I have a stickied list of these that I maintain under General Help called New Player Reference
idea............post that link as your signature.it comes up a whooole lot
i do know all of the textures,but not some things like stone,dirt etc.