Posts by uarentme

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hey Everyone!

    In case you don't know me, I am the designer on the Official Wiki for Rising World at Here.

    The Official Wiki is finally under development. So, I have a question, is there anything missing from the old, unofficial Wiki Here?
    I will be taking most of the information from there so if you don't see something you think should be added let me know (especially with scripting in RW).
    If you think you want to add something, just make an edit on the unofficial wiki or let me know. Let me know here, or after this thread is old, you can reach me here.

    Thank you.

    Well i would hold off, except that there has been absolutely no mention of the Wiki since December 6th of 2014. If there is one thing i hate about picking up a new game it is that there is no resource where i can learn about the game. If the Devs want to grow the game there needs to be a place where before people buy the game they look and learn a bit about it.

    But that's my opinion. If the devs came out with the wiki tomorrow on their site that would be perfectly fine, but i am filling a void, because all i want to do is help grow the game in the way i can.

    And personally, i think the Devs shouldn't focus on the wiki, i would much rather them use their time to update that game.

    Hey Everyone,

    I'm looking for help with creating the Rising World Wikia here

    It's a very big project and i'm projecting about 500 pages would be required to get a decent base of the game so far. No experience is necessary, but obviously preferred :P. The Wikia interface is pretty easy to use.
    If you are interested then you can contact me at my Steam ID: u_r7

    Or if you want to do informal helping than that is always welcomed just try to follow the style that is already there. Thanks