Posts by Winddbourne

    +1 to this. The first thing I tried to do in game after I chopped down a tree was to place a log in the world. It was frustrating that such a simple thing wasn't in BEFORE any more advanced blocks and such got added.

    The tall wild grass is beautiful, but it seems like it's just there to be looked at. I'd like to see some ability to gather grass and weave it into wickerwork furniture, grass skirts, rugs, etc . . . Long strands of plant fiber could also be an important component for spears and other stone age tools, and for Tiki Torches.

    I would love to see this, especially if they included dinosaurs and other things to make it really an interesting place to be. Without mods the "nether" region in Minecraft seems like it was just another idea that was started and never finished to the point of being a real area explore, settle, and survive in, rather than just a short proof of concept thing. I'd love to see something better here.

    I was just looking for the right spot to put my first impressions and feedback for this game without having to start a totally new thread for my first post and I think perhaps this is the place. Thank you for the amazing post.

    First impression:

    1) I watched a few U-tube episodes and loaded into the game . . . first thing I do is chop down a tree and figure out how to pick up logs. Good so far. Then I select my new log and try to place it in the world and . . . instant frustration. I couldn't do anything with the log. I didn't even get the tutorial page for placing things until after I built my crafting bench. It's a simple oversight. As a player I should have just had a great experience that would addict me to the game "I placed something!" it doesn't matter if I'm piling up dirt into a mound, placing logs around a campfire, or putting up a log "pllar" in the world . . . this should have been the first moment of fun putting a smile on my face, and instead I spent a few minutes frustrated thinking I was doing it wrong, and gave up to go explore. Fixing this is a must to get people having fun as early as possible.

    2) I crafted a torch, went into a cave, found some minerals. YAY! So I change from my torch to my pickaxe and . . . instant black out. Great. Good job! So I know I need to place the torch. Normally this would be another moment of frustration and cause me to set aside your game as "bad" but I'd watched some Lets Play videos on U-tube so I knew to make a bracket or torch holder . . . Go back to my work bench, find the right recipe and . . . I need the iron to make the holder, to place the torch, to mine the iron??????????

    I know ores just came out a few days ago and previously there were no requirements here so I'm going to guess this is just another oversight. I'll probably dig a big pit until I uncover some iron or maybe cheat and place a campfire in my cave for some light but . . . it would be nice if next to the torch was a nice "low tech" Tiki-Torch style option, just a big burning stick I could make and place in the ground to light my camp and my first mine until I can get the stuff for more sophisticated lighting solutions.

    3) Speaking of campfires these are currently listed as a fireplace. I'd love to eventually build a fireplace for my cabin but right now I really need a campfire in my camp. It's a tiny typo but I noticed it, felt a brief moment of confusion and moved on. Still it's an easy fix and would make the game a bit simpler to get into.

    4) Pigs . . . the simple farmyard pig is cute but out of place. It seems like I should be able to somehow get this guy for my farm later, perhaps bought form a village, but . . . in the wild I was really expecting to see an angry hairy tusked wild boar, not a chubby little piglet just waiting to provide me with bacon.

    5) The only way I can get sticks is to actually plane a log into lumber and then break that down to get . . . tree branches? Shouldn't I get some sticks when I chop down a tree, and shouldn't I be able to chop down woody bushes and other brush to get these? This again gave me a moment of confusion and frustration as initially I figured I had the basic material (logs) and two options to refine them down to, sticks or lumber. That seemed a bit odd, but it made more sense than somehow magically transforming finished boards from huge logs right into little tree branches that I could then use to make a torch, a shelter, or some other very basic item.

    Current (initial) Wishlist:

    1) Hostile natives . . . not zombies, but actual natives, maybe goblins, or spear chucking cannibals that tear at my construction and try to hunt me. Also to go with them traps, turrets, and other defenses. These hostiles probably should be tied to certain biomes so the player can choose whether or not to face the challenge. Cannibals on a tropical island, goblins in a swamp, etc . . .

    2) WAILA . . . or "What am I looking at" I really miss the little tool tips that the Waila mod adds to Minecraft it's one of those old mods that really seem like they should have been part of the main game if the developer had bothered to "finish" it. This also gives you the opportunity to show health bars for mobs on the tool tip, or little bits of advice on how things are supposed to work, even short jokes.