Posts by Winddbourne

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    I probably didn't communicate as well as I could have. I wasn't really complaining which is why I tried to make such a point that nothing is required.

    I was more reacting to the way it seemed like the idea of an update was being treated as a joke, or that you would tear into a player for requesting either a clearer timeline or an update on progress. My experience has been that the clearer you can be, and the more you respond to players the more understanding and patient most people are going to be. Especially if the concept is exciting and new.

    If people are drawing up sides and either demanding an update, or defending the developer . . . to me that looks like a real problem.

    I haven't looked at the API myself. That is more something my partner would want to tear into. My initial thought though is that I'm leery of Java's native ability to deal with objects. It's still probably better than using Lua scripting. I'm really glad this problem is in Red's capable hands and not mine. :) lol

    Hold your horses. Soon is when Red51 can get all the update features working because every time they release it's either floating ores, worlds not allowing terrain generation, or even some meshing issue somewhere. The less of these issues, the better. Don't want our worlds breaking, even if we're not supposed to get attached to them.

    Go read the comments on SCS Software's blog about both 'American Truck Sim', as well as 'European Truck Sim 2' with how impatient people are while not knowing how official game making works. Have to have the game polished up so much that it wouldn't hurt anybody, and bugs/glitches still pass through the filter.

    You really need to not make assumptions. I know how this works. I've been the lone developer, and part of the team of two . . . I've went through bringing in other people, letting them go . . . and tearing a game completely apart. My own game has been in closed beta, we've released multiple versions, we've even been ripped back into alpha . . . all over what amounts to nearly a decade of work now.

    During that time I got married, I had a son, my father died of terminal brain and lung cancer, and I was diagnosed with BOTH medium functioning autism and panic syndrome. My partner on the project is supposed to be out this weekend and people are thrilled to see updates again . . . but I can take plenty of time off because I'm not taking money for the project and the testers are all fanatics.

    You could say I'm speaking from a LOT of experience.

    The internet makes us all anonymous. Assuming I don't have game development experience is insane. An update on the post isn't required, but it would be a good idea. I've had to pause development for over a year to deal with multiple family tragedies. People understood because when I used vague terms I came back and gave updates. I came back just to let people know I hadn't forgotten them. Terms like "soon" aren't professional but sometimes we use them because we don't know the exact numbers; or because there AREN'T any numbers. An update on "soon" can be something as simple as a one line post on the original article saying you know it's been a few weeks but things are progressing . . . or even that you are working on some tough bug.

    I gave an "update" on a minecraft mod pack this week. Two lets players are playing and they messaged me directly asking why I've been away from Curse this past month. So I gave them a short paragraph talking about my life and some of the other projects I'm involved with. It wasn't required, but it didn't really take any time and they appreciated it. I'm not the best at communication (autism), but I've learned that a very little effort goes a long way in these situations.

    You are very active . . . but this comment doesn't show you in your best light. :)

    In all seriousness an update would be nice . . . Dungeons was coming out "soon" on the 27'th of last month . . . and what "soon" means in this context is as clear as mud. lol

    Does soon mean sometime that week (already passed)? Sometime that month (already passed). Within the next thirty days (the 27th of this month?). A few months from now? I have no clue.

    That said I understand that things get held up. You think you'll have an update out "soon" and then you find a bug, or people start making suggestions and change all of your priorities as you try to improve the update. It happens. It's all right. I've got a ton of other games I'm playing. But it would be "nice" to know a bit more. Not required; bu definitely nice.

    Not trying to say anything to upset anyone, but when you say shortly what does this in-tell, as you announced the move to Java back in Nov, so it's been 8 months already, and I know that the scripters that I know have been pretty much sitting on their hands since then waiting for the move. Just curious on a time table is all... and hoping it's not going to be another 8 months.

    All I can say is that I hope and pray that Rising World NEVER ports over to Java. Almost half of my "Village Life" mod pack for Minecraft is filled with optimization mods to let the game handle objects better, or to free up memory. Since I was focusing on a concept that needed lots of NPC's, objects, and multiblock structures I pretty much had to be really careful and even so I never authorized it for server use . . . though with almost 8000 uploads people have asked for server support. The best I can tell them is to play a lan game. It's what i do when I want to play the pack with my wife.

    It is, unfortunately, very tricky to get Java to do a lot of basic gaming tasks efficiently . . . a programmer can do it, but other languages like C make the job a lot simpler. Minecraft is pretty much the only game I know of coded from the ground up in Java and Notch has admitted it was only meant to be a little proof of concept thing.

    One thing I have been excited about is seeing how rising world could perform with large cities, lots of objects, lots of NPC's, lots of machinery with moving parts . . . all based on a platform that escapes the limits of Java.

    lol duuhhh it's an alpha game ( means currently in development ) :P

    It's a steam early access game, alpha, beta, or anything else. Some such games have long pauses in development and continue, others cease development altogether. It's a gamble. I've had good results from most of the early access games I've bought, and some of the non steam alphas and betas I've signed up for over the past twenty five years . . . but it isn't a "duh" situation to say you are glad the game is still in development when you haven't heard any news about it for a while and casually check to forums to see how/if it is progressing.

    I agree hostile roaming entities and animals are part of the survival aspect I've been waiting for to really make the game worth playing. If it remains a safe sandbox I doubt I'll get much fun out of it. On the other hand if Red51 does hostile animals right they could actually be better than random roaming monsters.

    Stick different creatures in different environments . . . giant snakes, dinosaurs, carnivorous plants in the jungle, wolf packs, herd animals that defend their "territory", hives of giant insects & spiders . . . perhaps have set "dens" or other structures that spawn them in specific areas and let those regenerate in "logical" locations if the player is away from a "cleared" area for too long. Random wandering monsters are fine, but set adversaries and their prey animals in different biomes could be even better I guess.

    Minecrafts random skeletons, zombies, and creepers get boring fast. If I go the jungle let me find different challenges and resources than if I'm on the plains, or in the boreal forest; and if people don't want those hostiles, or want to be able to clear areas and have them remain safe without effort . . . that could be a nice setting for casual players.

    I'm big on boats but I don't blame others for not voting that way, we have little experience with the water being anything more than a waste of space in Minecraft. To get people excited about boats and submarines we need to see ocean, river, and swamp biomes that are great places to be with fishing, diving, and unique resources. Plus there needs to be locations to build things and actually play the game, rather than just a huge expanse of nothing out beyond the sea shore, island biomes need to be different from mainland ones and somehow appealing.

    This is the sort of suggestion that would really bring in the hard core survivalist/builder players from games like Seven Days to Die, Project Zomboid, and Don't Starve. Especially if skills really matter and death took a toll on them rather than just being an annoying loss of resources.

    A number of other things seem to lean in the direction of wanting that sort of player, rather than just minecrafters who want nicer graphics, such as the need to drink, the incredibly fast and powerful bear, and the signal for broken bones after a fall, not to mention the comment about diseases coming in the future. :)

    I've been playing and following the forum for the past day . . .

    1) I missed the "garden torch" because it isn't listed under a name I'm familiar with; but also because it is listed only in the crafting tables menu. When I first start digging into the ground with my initial pick axe most likely I haven't gotten a work bench set up and some sort of settled area . . . I'm looking for light options like the garden torch that I can put together with my campfire (fireplace) and early shelter. I still haven't figured out how to pick up a work table and the Youtube series I've been watching also seems to suggest it isn't (or wasn't I'm a few updates back in the videos) something he could do, so I'd rather avoid a work bench until after I'm ready to really settle down.

    2) It's good to know the wiki exists but . . . I hesitate to support it. The option of going to an out of game wiki is about equivalent to having to learn the game by watching Youtube videos. Especially in a survival game part of the fun is figuring out how to survive on your own, and having the game help you through the basics . . . what am I looking at? Why can't I place down a log?

    3) The hunger and thirst icons go from green to red, and while I like it this takes some getting used to. For hard core survivalists an option to replace the icons with numbers would be nice so I could see how fast things drop more easily. Similarly I fell into a hole and got a broken bone icon but I couldn't get any information on it, and it didn't seem to effect my character at all. Seeing it made me very excited followed by . . . it must be another thing that will be finished and implemented in the future.

    4) People on the forum let me know about the L for light and F2 to cheat keys and it was hugely disappointing. The hard core survivor in me doesn't want to press L for light, he wants to craft a light right off the bat. Similarly I can dig my way out of a hole without having to fly; and it would be nice to see ropes made out of grass fibers, or even stick ladders being able to be crafted in the small crafting list in my inventory. It's still early in development but these "cheats" may detract from development simply because people use them to avoid really testing the problems, other people make fun of those of us who refuse to play any way but "legit" as being unoptimal, and of course few people are pushing for solutions to problems that were already solved by such a bandage solution. They may even cry when/if such a solution is removed.

    5) I notice a spot for "equipment" in my inventory and I thought maybe I could place my torch there, or move my pickaxe and axe there for quick use but . . . it didn't work. I'm not sure what this is for or how to use it. Again the wiki probably would tell me, but that takes me out of the game and kills immersion Minecraft style.

    6) I was very impressed by the very fast, very deadly bear who has killed me twice now. However even with L turned off there is really nothing scary about the night, this would be a great place for some realistic fantasy nocturnal predators to come into play.

    In Minecraft a trading system between players was sorely needed, but it came after a lot of biomes, and a huge number of required ingredients for crafting, especially on some modded servers. To really know what is needed HERE I'd need to see where the game goes. Right now . . . what would I buy or sell that would be worth anything?

    If there are more biomes with different resources (if only rocks/woods/metals that allow different textures) then trade could be important.

    If hostile mobs and villages force a tower defense style game in some places and resources (like ammo) becomes scarce money or trade could become important.

    If growing food takes time and specialization then trade and money might be more important.

    If higher technology needs a huge production chain and lots of specialization then trade and money might be very important.

    But how would I know now? I'd like to say yes, but I don't like being less than completely honest, so I simply don't know.

    Clay tiles sound like they could be amazing, and could give me another resource to hunt down in the game world; especially if they also came with a potters wheel, kiln, and other awesome clay shaping tools. Roofs aren't the only spot I'd use them either, tiled walkways, tiled murals on walls, clay brick roads . . . :)

    The hard core survivalist in me is actually rather disappointed to see either fly mode or developers lights, but considering how early in development the game is perhaps they are necessary evils. I'm just glad we get both eating and drinking as "needs", the promise of disease later, and other goodies. Hopefully later these developer tools will make their way into an easy mode or some "minecraft creative" equivalent for the people who really want to just build cool looking stuff. :) Ran into a bear earlier today and . . . WOW that was fun. :)

    I didn't see them if they are in the game. I hope you are joking on pressing L for light though . . . Just went in game and checked this . . . L for light is NOT included, there is a heading for LAMP in my keybindings list but even that is currently greyed out. I expect it used to be L for light before lamps were available as a place holder and still hasn't been fully implemented yet for lamps.

    You are however right about the Tiki Torch being in under "Garden Torch", I missed it on my first look because I'm unfamiliar with that term but it did work. Good job developer! I always like it when I think something is needed, don't see it, and it turns out to be my own oversight, means things are being done right. :)

    AWESOME! Even more excited to watch this game develop now.

    The big thing for me about fishing is that fish should actually be entities, and I should be able to throw them in a water bucket to keep them alive and eventually make my own glass aquarium(s).

    Also there needs to be a reason (and a way) for me to dive and swim beneath the sea. Give me things to find there, building materials that aren't available on land, exotic monsters (giant squid? Jelly fish? Shark? Fishman village?) that provide unique materials and resources.

    In certain similar games the ocean simply becomes a giant waste of space and I think that is a shame.

    I mentioned it in my first impressions but when I go into a cave holding a torch and find ore I can't mine it because it is dark. This is perfect, and how things should be.

    However when I go to make a torch stand or bracket the recipe requires iron, which I can get by mining the ore, which I need to be able to put down a torch to mine, which means I need the bracket to make the bracket . . . Not good.

    I've already figured out two cheap ideas to solve this for myself. First I can dig a large open pit; an ugly quarry to get the initial stone and iron and then move away from it to actually play the game. Or second I can try to place a campfire (typo'd as a fireplace) once I get some rocks and hope that provides me with enough light to mine the ore.

    But these are cheap gimmicks to work around what seems to be a BUG. My suggestion is to allow Tiki torches to be placed into the ground as a low tech solution to let us light up our camps and mines until we can get the iron. Another solution would be animal wax (or candleberry) candles that we can simply set on the ground. Anything to avoid simply having torches place automatically everywhere in the ugly minecraft style. lol…914&mr:filter=30726443950