also ich leb jetzt schon seit 10 jahren in irland (und davor in hamburg)...hab den neuen also noch nicht "live" gesehen. mit ein bisschen phantasie seh ich da aber den bundestag drin..irgendwo
Posts by poultrygeist
sieht n bissl so aus wie capitol hill!?
thats brilliant! didnt know that at all. this should make life a bit easier
just build a few example roofs like you did in that picture, what i found is it seems to be important at which angle the supporting beam needs to be either very shallow or quite guess is that has to do with how the angle rotation is limited on the planks when filling in. ill try the woodplanktriangles too
i wonder if theres a command that shows you the degrees for the different types of angles you can rotate to.
how did you make that round roof? ive tried every single angle and couldnt get it to line up.
i used 3 blocks with 3 edged blocks on its side to create an octahedron. then lined up beams to each of the edges pointing inwards, than stacked some more beams at a slightly different angle on top of these. it looked very similar to what you have build. what i found out is when filling in the gaps with planks the gaps between the 3 normal blocks fill up correctly using different lengths of planks. however the gaps between the angled blocks dont line up.
next i tried the same system but with 2 of each blocks instead of 3 hoping the smaller gaps will allow for a correct use of does not
then i lined up the beams to the center instead of edges of the 3 blocks on each of its 8 sides but it works out the last guess is you made not only the roof with beams/planks but the entire building?
i filled it in with blocks then used beams for highlight.
but thats a usefull info about the triangle woodplank
thanks for all the help btw.
this is what i came up with so far, first steps.
not sure how to fill that in though.the extended window that is. -
looks great!
dont know why i never thought of using planks and beams..its the obvious choice really
thanks for pointing me towards the right direction. -
ok i see, thats probably the problem as i only build with blocks so far. being interested in carpentry and having built my own roof in my house that shouldn't be too hard. it never even occured to use beams and planks
thats what iam always doing, having firefox open in the back and reffering to it as i need for pictures. in fact there's an medieval in on this forum which i totally love and want to rebuild,not copy it but take the idea and make it my own.
that inn also has the different types of roofs i would like to build myself.but iam not sure how to do it's the thread:
hiya folks, ive been wanting to do this for a while now and finally have the time required to build a cozy little mountain village located near a castle (at some point hopefully) some hidden caves and a nice little lake.
i have spend about 8 hours terraforming the location in creative mode before setting out to start with a blacksmith,that seemed logical to me because i needed to place the workstations anyway. after a bit of a creativity block today i have set out to build a farming area including a tea room
2 problems that come up constantly though, A. i always tend to build "blocky" houses and B. for the life of me i cannot get roofs to look good.
any advice would be greatly appreciatedi'll attach my progress from the past 2 days to this post.
happy building everyone!
thanks for the complement
really, only was faffing about since it was my day off today.
oh yeah a fireplace is a must. i will put a big one downstairs and then a few smaller ones in each room as they are build (with fully build vent system,well..hopefully)
This is not my goal of having guns, PVP is still balanced even since both side could potential have access to the same tech. I am thinking progression and realism. As a human, a bear should have me licked in melee combat, so having a good range weapon is needed if one decides to claim territory over your home. A troll will probably take a bit more than that to take down. And given the 700+ years of firearms, i would like to see a few technology steps before you jump to futuristic laser weapons.
****On a side note, did you see that the US navy has successfully deployed its first laser weapon system prototype in the field called LaWS.
nope...leave guns out altogether. dont put in any of that stuff. let RW be a game where peeps can build fancy things and sword off foes (read,wildlife). there's too many games out there going for the "modern life survival" thing with gunnzz. implement a decent melee system instead i say...if your cuppa tea is fighting.
just my opinion but i like the game for its building capabilities..not the "tough guy shooting things" stuff -
just my 2 cents...
dont know exactly where you guys're going with this game but please leave an option for us to be able to just build stuff and enjoy the extensive crafting this game has to offer.
iam playing arma3 epoch and other "survival games" already. leave us the joy (and peace) to be creative rather then destructive
other than that...let your mind run wild with mobs.zombies are chewed up though -
to be continued...
feel free to leave a comment on how to improve it -
hi guys, iam new(ish) to the game. have been at it since about 3 days. i found a nice server on first try with decent people on and some amazing buildings to look at (and walk trhough that is)
so i decided to stay put and put down roots. here's some shots of my current work in progress:
once its done it'll be fully furnished, have a "fachwerk" exterior look to it and and hopefully a nice lush garden to enjoy the sun in -
hie ein paar bilder von meinem "work in progress" auf dem hessenstrolche server. ist im moment nur der grundbau...wenns fertig ist ist es voll moebilisiert mit garten und fachwerk
anregungen sind gerne wilkommen.... -
ich hab das spiel jetzt erst seit ein paar tagen. aber, fuer mich ist offensichtlich welches potenzial RW jetzt schon hat.
hab fuer ein paar stunden allein vor mich hingbaut um das bau system mal kennenzulernen und war super stolz auf mich als mein kleines haus mit keller fertig war. dann wollt ich mal den multiplayer teil ausprobieren und hab sofort auf anhieb einen tollen server mit netten leuten gefunden die mir nach 20 minuten bauerlaubniss gegeben haben :p
dann hat mir einer wolles burg gezeigt und das war fuer mich der punkt wo mir der gedanke kam "dieses spiel wirst du ewig spielen"
normalerweise spiel ich die arma serie und killing floor1/2, aber immer nur ballern ist langweillig.RW ist perfekt, ein paar bier zu trinken, mit leuten auf TS schnacken und was kreatives produzieren.allerdings hab ich natuerlich noch die rosa brille to speak