Posts by icon58

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!

    Sooo how do you know which commands go where? I am trying to make it so admins can fly but not others. I am also trying to make another group, add people in them to give them more control than others.

    Also when you say " It's also important that all group permissions are in the "groups" subfolder." My server always start with the folder permissions; the default permissions is hang out in there. The admin permissions is hanging out in the groups folder. Could that be causing some of my issues? Because when I try make admin fly I cannot. I attached the admin permissions, I put in their for admins to fly under commands because I do not know where else to put it... I also attached the default all it says is no flying and so does the server...
    Thanks in advance Icon

    I am not sure if this is the same thing sagsave has, but on my server I am exploring via TP with rcon and I went far...... out, to the taiga biomes actually and the trees twitch??? I thought maybe the map needed to settle in and build itself. Waited an hour, no. Went to work came back still twitching and Red knows with my special eyes 8o<X I get sick, then a migraine....

    So it worked in the first place you made a change and it quit? What changes are you trying to make?BTW if you want to continue in your native language feel free Google translate works pretty good : )

    I am just curious on the timeline or if there is a timeline for the Java change? The reason I ask is I started a server and I need to make some changes to some of the lua scripting and I am lazy soooo.... If it is coming out soon I will wait :D:D It's not like Red and his team hasn't been doing anything like pushing out biomes. gather the server under one website.... Upgrading the main webpage for the upcoming wiki, or anything like that 8o8o I was just wondering.

    Hello all,

    I rent a server how would I restart a server from a command line or from Rcon? I see where I can shut down the server form Rcon but that seems wrong? At least when I tried it with my one server I had to go online to the web site to start it back up.

    Sokath! His eyes uncovered!!!! The problem I was having was when was an admin not an admin?? When he was alone.... I was thinking because I was an admin already, admin group exist already. I would be a member of this exclusive club, but no I had to invite myself... ?(?( Now that I cleared that up I hope that help others who where afraid to ask (come on you know your out there...) I can proceed on really mucking things up. 8o8o:D

    Hmmm everyone is so focused on the game did they miss the message about the forum's being down??? Does this mean we will be getting the wiki??? Standby for this and many other exciting news coming WEDNESDAY......
    We should have cake... Yes Cake at Icon's place time and place will be posted here after update!!!! Maybe burgers for those that are GF...

    Thank you for all your replies the errors were mine and I accidentally uploaded the text file instead of the permissions file. But what fixed it all (even after downloading the permission's file from the server pack and replacing back to default) was to wipe and reload the servers... From the git go there was issues with the install I could not save the config files. Admins from the start could not use creative. After the reload everything works as it should. Thanks again and now the fun begins when I start to break up groups etc.

    I actually was reading up on YAML and I think part of my problem is I automatically use tab (which YAML does not like) instead of white spaces. I removed the file hoping the game would rebuild a new one (it did not) so now I guess I just need to find a different text editor than notepad++, or retrain my muscle memory.

    I am pretty sure this game hates me but tough I am going to play it it it will obey. 8o8o Please see attach permission file I got blueprints to work but I am pretty sure that was an accident. Creative refuses to be well creative.... For good measure I attached the server properties. I also added the admin setting which according to Red (if I am reading it right) should work for the admins.... But it does not.

    I am having the same issue Dedofull is having. I tried the in game console commands, setplayergroup PLAYERNAME GROUP, I get Player PLAYERNAME not found. Of course then I can not add myself. Please advise.
    Below are the permissions settings.

    Default settings
    chatcolor: 0xFFFFFF
    chatnamecolor: 0xFFFFFF

    - *
    fly: true
    pvp: false
    enabled: true
    maxupload: 10
    dimension: 512
    use: true
    create: true
    - *

    Admin settings
    group: Admin
    chatnamecolor: 0xFF0000
    chatprefix: (Admin)
    chatprefixcolor: 0xFF0000
    shownametag: true
    showadmintag: true
    nametagcolor: 0xFF0000
    nametagprefix: (Admin)
    nametagprefixcolor: 0xFF0000

    - *
    - makeadmin
    - revokeadmin
    - shutdown
    enabled: true
    maxupload: 100
    dimension: 512
    - *
    use: true
    create: true

    It almost seems like I am missing the whole creative group if I am reading Red's explanation right.
    It just seems like anything I does not make any difference on the Server. I don't like to bad mouth any company but the one I am working with now is a kind of slow? I put in a ticket on the 13th and nothing is resolved. So if any one has any other suggestions to rent a server that would be great!!.

    I rented a server from Nitrado, change the settings in the Server properties. Change the the default permissions page to allow blueprints and Creative mode. I go into the server try the "setgametype 1" in console it it says creative mode not allowed. I hit ESC and look at permissions and it says no creative, no blueprints. What am I missing?