Posts by Meltron

    We could do a contest where people can vote for some days on submitted pics, if red would like that. And those screens would then be added to the site. Would make picking screens faster (and maybe avoid drama :P) for you, @red51

    I think community screens would be even better, since there are some really awesome buildings out there. But for the dev pics, I suggest just the 2 pics with the planks in the steam store, they are very simple, but still very nice. And because of that, it shows how powerful the building system are in RW.

    I would like to have a more 'realistic' ghost. I would like some ghost that actually scares you or actually 'do something'. Because these guys just appear to me like some fillers for an empty area. Not meant to be rude, I just like to have NPCs that are rare and have some sort of goal with everything they do. So e.g. for a ghost:

    1. This ghost should be very rare. It should have something like an own story and therefore there should not be too much of those ghosts.
    2. This ghost should have a reason to attack. For example, let's say this bot is a female ghost who is roaming around earth, because her son was killed by a hunter. So if you are not dressed as a hunter, it will just roam around in the background where you can hardly notice it and it will not come close to you. But if yo have a hunter outfit, it should try to attack you.
    3. Especially this bot should not attack just randomly. When you wear hunter stuff, it should scream from the distance and switch its position more often. It should then slowly walk in your direction. And if you don't get out of the area fast, it should attack after some seconds. Then I would like it to be very strong, it should be very scary when it is roaming around in the back and I don't want that to be ruined by a slow and weak attack.
    I would like this ghost to be very scary, just by its presence in the background and its attack should start with some sort of jump scare.
    Those bots should always have some kind of 'trigger' that makes them attack you, e.g. as said your clothes (some that would be quiet common for this area, because useful like hunter clothes, since it is cold there etc.) or react to something you do, e.g. stealing something out of a temple.

    Quiet Meltron.. :P

    R3drook, go ahead dude haha. When I first came to this forum I put a bunch of effort into a few ideas, which didn't get much of a response. People don't much like to read. Walls of text and all that lol. Anyways, they can be an interesting read for those who might appreciate it. Not Meltron.. lol :P

    Yeah, I shut up now (maybe).
    What did you say?? I actually read everything here, but not this post, it is way too long X/

    Ya, we all have some right? lol I was just talking about ArcticuKitsu digging monster we all love it but it sounds like it would be a nightmare to get into the game and that I would like to read some of ZaCormyr Ideas from old posts tomorrow. I would love to check out some of your old posts too and bring them back up also if you want me to. :P

    Thank you, but i don't have any real big posts, except maybe this one An Idea for Ores. but I have to finally get done with my idea for a seperate game mode, this seems to be something completely different like even the game itself, lel, more like a PvP mode with Avatar-like bending techniques and a counterstrike-inspired economy system xD

    Apart from that, we don't want to have too high stackcounts for food, just to avoid that you are able to carry enough food for the next years

    I know it is meant ironic, but you still need quite a lot of food. And even if someone has a whole backpack of food, this also has a downside, namely that you can not carry other stuff. And since nobody just wants to survive and look for food all the time, I think that it does not feel like you can carry to much to eat.

    For the hardcore mode: Might actually be 'too' hardcore ^^, but how about no inventory at all, or, as you said, just for very small items? I don't want to annoy you with mentioning another game, but in Stranded Deep you can drag all items around the islands. So maybe, for the hardcore mode, you would have to always do this (and later there could be some kind of crates or carts that you would need to carry more stuff)?

    Nova: Ich hätte dann noch gerne ein Forum an diesem PC, wo man neue Objekte suggesten kann. Hm, ingame forum wäre gar nicht so dämlich xD Aber ein Forum will ich schon, also ein virtuelles, in dem ich der Amin bin :P und dann poste ich als neue changelogs und alle freuen sich ne Banane! :thumbup: