Posts by Meltron

    Ya I would love to have a back pack or some sort of portable storage, but I think that storage Items give you to many slots.... way to many slots. Right now it seems that you only need one chest for all of your stuff. So I wouldn't mind them cutting that down but I think our inventory should remain the same.

    Only 1 chest? When I mine, chop trees and build stuff alternately, I have to tidy up my backpack very often and I need a lot of chests for that

    I think that we should be able to favorite block type also like stairs or pillars for example


    I think that the name of your block should be titled in your inventory and not just say "Block"

    Yes, but if I remember correctly, red said that this would be a bit tricky, since there are for example so many wood textures and some of them are even very similiar. But I agree with you, there should be a name for every texture, even if they are very uncommon, complex or similiar sounding, e.g. "Bright birch wood planks" and "Dark birch wood planks" ^^ This would make it a bit easier to remember them, since it indeed is sometimes hard to remeber what texture excaclty you have used when you build a barn etc. At least I find it hard to see a great difference with the beams.
    In addition to this, I would then suggest to have a search function for the names, as well :P A filter function might even be helpful as well, e.g. to filter from what tree a wood textures comes, if it is bright/ dark and if it fits to a medieval style or is modern etc.

    Maybe there could be a magic eagle or something that flys over you and you can see yourself from its point of view like a drone and figure out where you are ^^

    Ich befürchte viele Zuschauer werden sich über den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand und Progress auslassen.

    Ja machen sie.

    Hätte man gewartet bis das Spiel ein paar Schritte weiter gereift ist, wären sicherlich mehr Käuferschichten angesprochen werden. So könnte das Spiel immer mit einem Malus behaftet sein und sie darah hindern es nicht zu kaufen.

    Sicherlich. Aber irgendwann wird das Spiel weit genug "gereift" sein, dass genügend Leute angesprochen werden. Und solange z.B. Sarazar das Spiel gut findet, wird eig. auch die Mehrheit seiner Fans das Spiel gut finden. Ich hatte auch die Befürchtung, dass manche Leute das Spiel für unfertig halten und ablehnen, auch wenn es noch in der Alpha ist. Aber ganz ehrlich: Auch wenn Sarazar seine Zuschauer fragt, ob sie noch mehr davon sehen wollen, Ich glaube solange er Spaß daran hat, werden sie es akzeptieren. Und wie gesagt, irgendwann kommen auch die Skeptiker wieder auf das Spiel zurück.

    It doesn't matter how balanced you think the prices of things are, it will always piss somebody off..

    I agree.

    he use of a specific thing (possibly Gold in the form of Coins) would work for this, however in a procedurally generated world that is possibly infinite, there would have to be a fixed amount of this one item at the start of the world that would never change.

    But in the real world, there basically is stil gold that could be discovered I guess.

    Also, I think that the stack should be rised to at least 2, maybe even 3. Because 1 surely is realistic and you don't have to pick all the melons up, but there are so many of them left alone then :C

    Would make things way easier, becaue who always updated his favorite-list after he used an item he "might" use again or who deltes textures from his list? ^^ Ok, maybe I am just to lazy to tidy up, but hey! :P

    Edit (before post, lel): Was this alrady suggested (even by me :P), hm ^^

    I think it zooms a bit far and it would be nice to regulate it, mousewheel would be best for this purpose. And will it be replaced by a field glas?

    It was already on the exception list and Windows firewall seems to be disabled due to that program

    I also added the java.exe to the exceptions, still nothing.