Posts by Meltron

    And snow should totally cover up small holes.

    Hm, that would lead to some "nice" surprises ^^

    Very nice sluices and stuff you found!

    Everyone should know by now that I hope for stone types and ores to be in layers

    What do you mean with that? That you just remove them like they were paper, paper for paper?

    Yeah, it actually is the same size, I am very dump and very sorry for wasting your time.
    I just don't get why the vase looks so small from above and from below, but so big, if it is on the same level like you ^^

    Ja. es gibt im Moment nur den Survival modus. Aber du kannst den Creative modus (= 1 Schlag = sofortiges Abbauen) aktivieren, indem du


    setgametype 1

    in die console ( mit "^" öffnen) eingibst. Cheats, um Rohstoffe zu spawnen etc. findest du in meinem Steam Guide. V

    Gold: So, recently I listened to the excellent Life of scrooge soundtrack (like very often) and was reminded by the comic of Don Rosa ... and this let me get some ideas for ores gold, lol:
    There, he builds a shaft vertically down, and there is gold in the gravel. He then lets the gravel flow through a sluice, to wash the gold out (Or like this, made out of steel), like JC596 suggested with a pane.
    In his shaft, he also needs to set a fire, to warm the dirt, before he can dig down there. Since the comic is in Klondike, maybe you should only be able to find gold in cold areas with high mountains etc.? Maybe not realistic, but it would make diging for gold more realistic^^ A cable control would fit into the situation with the shaft, as well. You could then get a
    small amount of gold from some rivers there, too, but the bigger chunks you should find when you dig in the gravel.
    Gold could be used to create jewelleries and adornments and may be used for creating coins, that could be used to trade with other players in multiplayer.
    Advantages of this system: Gold could just randomly "spawn" when you sift gravel. There could still be a few bigger nuggets. Maybe there would be some areas where gold is more likely to be found in dirt (like ReZiNsky suggested with the quartz veins). Maybe there could even be a skill system, that you find more gold in gravel with time.
    This way, the system would not have the problem, that you need to basically dig through the whole mountain (because I don't like that you remove so much of it when searching for gold) or run through endless caves like in Minecraft. If you don't like the idea of a skill system, maybe you just would need a lot of resources, mainly wood to make a fire to defrost the gravel or to make new sluices or new sieves (maybe they would worn out very fast).
    I just would like a rather small shaft and somce sluices like Unlce Scrooge and then just have to wash the gold out of the gravel for a long time. Later there could be a automated way to do this. Would not have to be a system that requires modern machines etc. maybe just some kind of wood mechanics that fit well with the sluices.

    That said for gold. Hoever, before there should be a gold diging system or diamonds and all that stuff, I think it is more important first, to get iron into the game.
    So: Iron: According to Wikipedia, the first iron ores where found from meteorits, lel. So maybe ?? :P
    Since there already is a big furnace in game, it should be clear, that iron will be gained from iron ores.
    Again, what I don't really like in Mincraft, is to run around searching for iron. There is a lot spread over the world very close together. But how about makeing it pretty rare and instead it could occur in great masses? Because in real life you also don't dig through the whole area around you.
    Pros and Cons for this:
    + You would not have to digg through a whole mountain to find enough iron (You just had to dig some "exploratory holes")
    + When you find it, the game could give you the ability to build a proper mine and unlike in Mincraft, this then would make sense, since you would not mainly find just stone
    + There could be some advanced techniques to search for ores, modern and some old ones.

    - You would need to spend some time to find any ores at all, but when you found them, you can mine a lot
    - When you need a lot of ore, you would still have to remove a lot of a mountain etc. (but I guess not so much like when you would dig big shafts everywhere and therefore the environment would not look like a "mess")

    You need the blockbench. Then you choose a texture (a block) and click on the arrows in the preview window (purple color in this picture), I think it is the next form. Sorry, the text is in German though, it is from my steam guide, but I am working on the English version atm:

    Ich glaube zumindest, dass man eine Mikrowelle und eine Bohrmaschine eher nicht braucht, solange es nicht einmal die Ressourcen und die Verarbeitung dazu gibt. Stellt euch mal vor, ihr würden in der Welt leben und irgendetwas fehlt... Ist der erste Gedanke da echt Mikrowelle?

    Ich stimme dir zu, zuerst sollte sich um grundlegende Dinge und Feinmechanismen z.B. beim erweiterten Bausystem gekümmert werden.

    Essen wär fast schon machbar, zumindest sehe ich schon einige mickrige Apfelbäume Zur Not fress ich das Schwein, das immer versucht, in meine Wohnung einzudringen.

    Essen kommt mit dem nächsten Update.

    Von den Ecken habe ich nichts gewusst, aber seitlich kloppen half bisher immer. Schön mittig auf die Kante. Wer mal ein großes Dach aus Planken gebaut hat, weiss danach auch, wie er es wieder los wird - weil es trotz Grid niemals an der richtigen Stelle saß :P Ich hab's mittlerweile aufgegeben und mache Grobklotzdächer aus Rampen. Die kriegt man auch wieder weg ohne Patch :D

    Wenn du die rechte [Strg] - Taste drückst, kannst du es mit den Pfeiltasten [↑] und [↓] , [←] und [→] , [Bild ↑] und [Bild ↓] überall platzieren, wo du willst. Das Gitter kann man kleiner einstellen, indem man auf dem Ziffernblock "-" drückt.