Posts by Meltron

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Schreib das vielleicht mal in die Vorschläge; wahrscheinlich ist es jetzt einfach noch zu früh für sowas spezifisches wie Zeugs zum Schlösser bauen

    I am in the process of building a wall and when I attempt to place a triangular block it always moves into a position that I don't want. X( Before I press the mouse button the outline of the block is white and not red, so it looks like it should work. :?: I went into the setting to see if something could be changed but nothing seems to apply. Is there some kind of snap setting that could be disabled on this one piece? I was going to show a screen shot of the issue but that wasn't working either and resulted in the previous post about screenshots. Thanks for the help in advance. ^^ This is such a great game and I am excited to finish my castle and show it here in the forums, but I need to get a few issues resolved first.

    I don't realy understand what you mean, and I don't know if that appleis here, but have to tried pressing "g" to get this grid thing? Mabye that would help

    Meinst du mit Erdumrandung, dass man Blöcke gewissermaßen in die Erde setzen kann und dass die 'rausstehende' Erde dann bleibt, also wenn man sie vorher nicht entfernt hat?
    Ja, das mit dem Rasen wäre ne feine Sache, wäre praktisch wenn der
    a) einfach mit der Zeit nachwächst, wenn man den mit dem Rechen/ Harken (erm das ist n Rechen oder? :P glaub ich hab das heir irgendwo als Harken bezeichnet O_o ) entfernt. Könten dazu mit der Zeit ja einfach ein Spaten geben, der das selbe macht, aber der Rasen nicht mehr nachwächst, wenn man den mit dem Spaten geplättet hat.
    b) sich nachsähen ließe

    zu b) fällt mir dann grad ein, dass man ja mit der Sense zwar weitläufiger und schneller den Rasen plätten könnte, aber eben nicht so genau. Mit der Sichel könnte das ja langsam aber eben auch genauer gehen - Stichwort: Englischer Rasen, erinnert mit eben an Asterix bei den Briten und bei Asterix gibts ja auch die Druiden, die die Sicheln benutzen, also --> SIchel für Zauertrank - Zutaten - Abbau = Kräuter benutzen bzw. Druidensteine implementieren? .... :D

    Well, I am far away from even having an 'idea' of java and programming and stuff, but what I have read, java isn't really that good for a game.
    But I guess, it is really too expensive to get a license for a 'better' engine if you aren't a million - dollar - company.
    But theoretically, would you switch to another engine, if you made enough money from the game? Or would you disagree with me, saying that java isn't so much worse than other engines? :P

    Please refer to the new player reference, as this already exists.
    The command to teleport to another player is: goto (playername)

    Oh, thank you.
    Still, I think that this "distance to player XY" is buggy or I couldn't figure out how to use it.
    To Roy: I think that is a problem anyway, guess they will change that soon when the mp mode develops

    Maybe I am asking for too much, but I would really like to see the developers inplementing good community textures (and other stuff) in their game.
    Because, e.g. in Minecraft, the standard textures are pretty bad of course and there are some pretty good mods out there, but those mods are usually not that easy to install (especially for new players) and often, even when the new mods come with way higher resolution textures, some things still look better in the standard version.
    Furthermore, installing mods always leads to problems. I guess that's not big trouble for people with knowledge, but I hate trying to figure out, how I get stuff to work, especially after an update.
    If the devs however, would officially implement community made stuff and maybe improve it themselves, I would be able to easier get a very enjoyable game. of course, the devs than would have to varify those new features, as mods often require more power, so that you can still run the game on a not so good pc with lower settings.

    The idea is it may steal a very small amount, but raccoons would make a big mess when doing so. So you chest contents would be scrambled. So if you one stack of bread and one stack of stone in a chest, 1 bread would be missing and the other 63 pieces and all the stone would be scattered over all 96slots of the chest.

    Remember the chunk limitation means you have to be nearby for your storage to be loaded for the creature to strike. Giving you a decent chance of seeing and possibly catching the culprit. By simply putting a lock on a door to your storage or on the chest itself would prevent the animal from getting to attack your storage. I like the idea of having a guard dog, too.

    Ok, now I get it. Sound pretty good.
    However, in general, I think that it would be better, if 'advanced' stuff and animals would come into the game within time. Because I think if the player has to face this kind of stuff from the very beginning, he/ she would be pretty obssesed, because they wouldn't have the items to protect their chest, for example.
    Like, in Minecraft, I found it pretty hard, that you had to get food at the very beginning of the game, but later it as just pointless, when you had like infinitive ressources.

    Die Idee ansich mit Skills bei Rising World finde ich auch ganz gut.

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch sie haben 10000 Bäume gefällt und bekommen ein ???? 8o

    Wie meinst du das? Also dass man dafür jetzt n Achievement bekommt, fände ich sehr unnötig :P
    Aber Rising World mit der Zeit zu nem Rollenspiel (wem das nicht gefällt könnte ja dann andere Modi bekommen) fände ich schon sehr geil. Also ich denk mal, du meinst dass man nach einer bestimmten Anzahl gefällter Bäume fürs Baum fällen nen höheren Skill level bekommt, fände ich sehr nice, also dass man dann z.B. einfach schneller Bäume fällt.