Posts by Meltron

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Ich muss mir das Update noch ingame angucken, aber anscheinend habt ihr das echt gut hinbekommen. Ich habe mich bisher nicht getraut, das vorzuschlagen, weil ich dachte, dass dann der Realismus auf Kosten von 'Block - Style' flöten geht. Aber ihr habt wohl eine echt gute Lösung gefunden. Ich finde jetzt nicht, dass es auf den Screenshots gekünstelt aussieht, es is ja immer noch ein bisschen krumm und eckig an den Steinen, ich meine wenn man ein Loch buddelt, dann macht man das natürlich nicht 100% gerade, aber eben auch nicht so komisch zufällig, wie das bisher der Fall war.
    Ich fand es bisher nämlich oft nicht vorhersehbar, wie ein Loch wohl werden wird, da Stein z.B. auch an benachbarten Stellen zerstört wurde, auf die man eig. nicht gezielt hat. Und dass man immer noch mit dem Vorschlaghammer und dem Rechen nachbessern musste, um überhaupt eine 'normal' geformte Mine hinzubekommen, ziemlich doof. Wäre schön, wenn es ne einfache Möglichkeit gäbe, mit dem Rechen und Hammer eine sehr gut gerade Fläche hinzubekommen. Denn bisher hatte ich auch schon Probleme, überhaupt einen ebenen Boden zu kreieren. Auf jeden Fall hätte das einfacher gehen können, also dass man nicht dauernd mit dem Auge abwägen muss, ob das jetzt 'da drüben' auf der selben Höhe ist wie 'hier' oder so.
    Dazu fällt mir jetzt so spontan ein, das wie mit dem Gitternetz (das man mit g aktiviert) zu machen, also so ne Art automatische Wasserwaage zu haben.
    Also, wie sag ich das am besten:
    Man zielt z.B. mit der Harke auf eine Stelle, drückt g und es erscheint ein Gitternetz auf Höhe von genau dem Block oder Fleck, den man gerade anvisiert hat. Nun lässt sich mich der Harke nur das entfernen, was oberhalb des Gitternetzes ist und auch nur bis auf die Höhe von diesem Netz. Auf diese Weise würde man den Boden nie zu tief abflachen.
    Wenn eine Stelle tiefer ist als der restliche Boden, müsste man halt die Stelle erst auffüllen bis sie min. auf höhe des Gitternetzes ist und dann wieder falls nötig mit der oben erwähnten Methode abflachen.

    One suggestion that was made awhile ago and was added was the racoon. If your stuff is not locked up or behind locked doors it breaks in steals a single shiny or food and disarranged your chests. We were talking about the multiplayer feature of locks and this was an idea on how to make that feature valuable in single player.

    I think that would be quiet hard to implement, because you should see the racoon then, since otherwise players would be confused when they comeback to their chests and wonder why their stuff is gone. But when you see the animal stealing your stuff, you should easely be able to prevent it from stealing it. If you really want this, you should maybe see it in the distance when it steals your items.

    It would be nice to have a sleigh, when snow will be added to the game. Could be the first simple vehicle, but would still quite fun to drive down a hill. Same simple thing could be done, if there would be rivers floating down the mountains (or even under the earth?) , so you just would need to get into a simple boat to have some fun :D Would be even better with some large waterfalls.

    I think that finding people on a server is pretty bad atm. When I fly straightforward, the distance to a player drops, but suddenly, the meters rise and I have to change the direction again. For the start, it would be useful, to have a cheat command to directly teleport to another player.

    zombie this,zombie's getting kinda old.not that we have a say.but a rabid dog sounds like the right way to go..........rabies infested animals instead of mythical creatures will certainly play well into the devs ideas of incorporating diseases into the game......i mean think about it.......actual diseases are way more scary than any made up "mob"

    Nice idea!
    However, why not made something actually scary like a witch living in an era with lots of trees? And I am not speaking of a witch you could actually see. There could be just some scary noises and "wierd" things going on in that area. I think that would be more simple, but also be more effective.
    I mean, omg there is a zombie? Just get a good weapon and kill it. But when you can't really see your enemy, it is more terrefying in my opinion. I mean, there is a reason, why The Blair Witch Project was scarier than some random horror movie where there was tons of blood.
    Those creatures you don't see could be attached to specific areas that will be automatically generated, like this witch in a moor, or a ghost in an old castle where the doors and chains rattle, the torches go off randomly and wind howls through doors and closes them randomly as well.

    Standing up after crouching is a little bit buggy currently^^ So the crouch-jump ist theoretically also just a bug :D We can implement something like that if desired, but if not, it will be removed soon ;)

    Ah I already thought so, because it hardly worked. I think it would be nice to have it, because it just "looks" like you would be able to climb a height of 2 blocks

    Just to let you know, pressing crouch and jump at the same time actually gives you a small height boost, like in all source games.
    I don't know how it actually works, but sometimes I managed to reach a height of 2 blocks when standing right next to the blocks, which I couldn't without crouching

    Yeah probably, it's gonna be like in Minecraft. To prevent getting a boring environment, there must (and I guess will) be more possible variations like different environment settings (desert, jungle, prairie, moor), but also maybe some populated areas, maybe even with big modern cities with high skyrockers and so on.

    I hope that you will build the equivalent of an ironman mode into Rising World in the future. No cheat commands would be allowed and saved game files could not be tampered with. This would make it possible to include achievements for Steam players. It would be interesting to see what achievements this community would like to have available. I'll start off with a few of my own ideas with their possible names:

    1. 1000 or 10,000 bits of stone mined (stone miner)
    2. 1000 or 10,000 bits of dirt mined (dirt farmer)
    3. 500 or 5,000 pieces of wood cut down (wood cutter)
    4. 100 or 1,000 pigs killed (the butcher)
    5. Win a fight against another player who is armed with no weapons of your own. (Invincible)

    Those high numbers of mined things sound pretty good, but I can't help but think that it wouldn't be too much exciting to get those achievements since you basically just have to play the game for a long time.
    At least better than those pointless Minecraft achivements. I think simple things shouldn't get you achievments.
    You should definitely get them for doing something "special". Like finding rare diamonds (if they will be implemented), but it could also be achievements which require more code to detect them, like building a complete house with a roof, doors and windows or building a castle with towers, drawbridges and dungeons. That would make the achievments more special and therefore also more interesting like other "Kill 3 people at once" Achievements from other games were you just hardly even realise that you got them because there are so many of them. So, it would be the best, if you kinda can "feel" what you just got an achievement for.
    However, of course multiplayer is better for achievements I think, like as I said some common "Kill 2 people while being low on health" etc.

    Also, don't underestimate the creativity of people to easely get achievements even when cheats are not allowed :P