Posts by King Nothing
I got it to unwrap and such when I go to import in into RW, it will NOT show up. I used your static models and did a Reload Plugins, il upload thre modek I used , It wasn't the chair, it was this one:
Every model I import, it will NOT go to edit mode
I have a Bunch of 3D models and I can't figure out how to make the map file to put the texture on.
if any one of you can help make some texture maps that would be helpful
Holy Heck... It WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had NOTHING but problems with Attributes. thank you for helping me, Now I can Streamline the main plugin and "OUTSOURCE" The other features to separte plugins. -
PLUGIN EXCEPTION (EffNet, , Bleckman) ---->
java.lang.ClassCastException: net.risingworld.api.gui.GuiImage cannot be cast to net.risingworld.api.gui.GuiLabel
at EffNet.EffNet.PlayerGuiElementClick(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:169)
at aE.b.a(SourceFile:1789)
at aE.b.messageReceived(SourceFile:125)
at j.e.a(SourceFile:109)
at -
Plugin A
Plugin B
Its Being Called by "On Player Command"
I had a test "p.SEndTextMessage(""+"THE ATTRIBUTE")
it Returned "NULL"the Attrubute was "SET" onOnplayerSpawn" in Plugin A
PluginB called The attribute."
and yes its both player.setattribute
I am Currently Working on a
I like the idea of snail mail; user-wise is relatively simple to implement in a rather meaningful way. A "post box"-like craftable item, which only certain players (admins?) can craft to simulate the fact that a post box by itself does nothing and requires a complex back-end network in order to work.
Any user can go to the post box and "post" a message / letter. After a time proportional to the distance, the 'letter' would be 'dropped' in the recipient chat window. While potentially amusing, it is not strictly necessary to simulate the details of what happens in between.Variations:
- 'letters' may be dropped in a specific user mail box, rather than in the chat, with a history / log of received letters.
- sending may have a cost ("stamp"); as long as the game does not have a built-in currency, it may be in resources
- there might be a 'broadcast' mode, toward a specific post box and the 'letter' would be received by all users within a certain radius of the destination post box (possibly with a higher cost).
- it might totally supersede any world-wide chat; the today chat would only be 'local', i.e. within a certain radius from the speaker.As I have already said in several occasions, I do not like the idea of implementing a technology progress in the user play flow (including techniques for communication). The idea might be appealing on paper, but I am convinced that it does not suits the mechanics of the current MP model (and, of course, mail and communication in general does not make sense in single player).
P.S.: The Roman Empire relied on the same communication means used by any other empire or largish country since early antiquity up to XIX century. They 'simply' organised and managed those means somehow better (and not always neither anywhere).
I am currently working on a "SNAIL MAIL" plugin Where im making Mailboxes for each "NEIGHBORHOOD." First, The Marketsystem and money have to be working 100%
I don;t know if this has been discussed, but having differet Chat Channels would be good
An ADMIN ONLY chatseen in many on line games..
Ummm OK...
I set an attribute in one plugin...
String Poop ="I farted";
player.setAttribute("Item", Poop);I then Called The Attirbute "Item" in another Plugin, got NULL
what am I doing wrong??? do I have to wave a magic wand in order for the Other plugin to see it?
The "tnt" part was copied and pasted from Changelog 2016-11-02: Explosive!
whoops Have my own money system, Mine unfourtueatly has toe be integrated with the main Plugin
when I use
Whether regular players can teleport to way-points or not (0 = no, !0 = yes; default 0)
allowTpToWp=0I enter !0 and it will crash the server.
I Downloaded 1.00 and when I use !0 as a setting, it crashes the server.
i looked at the javadoc, is there anything Written on how to access Chests or is that not implemented yet? i want to add stuff and delete from them, i even opened the world database and looked around to see where the items are stored. with no luck.
got it, the sticky needs some updates, infiniteitems Isn't In it.
what I want to do is:
allow semi-creative, users on the server are saying they have infinite resources, I don't want THAT