The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
I will lower the res...
Now that you say that I have a dual monitor setup with my secondary not being the same res as my primary. I wonder if it is freakying out because I am attempting to go into a fullscreen res that the secondary monitor can not support...
Cool, I got it to stay in fullscreen or like 2seconds.....
I will stop trying to resolve it if it isnt a linux/video issue....
I had the same i solved it
Uninstall JAVA
Uninstall RW
Restart PC
Install java using the manual link (will repost of you need)
Restart Machine
Re-Install RW
Restart PC
Start RW
Seems silly...but, I tried ever other way I could think of and this worked for me. Worked for a IRL right out of the gate after he got stuck in the loop.
Hi! I just tried playing on your server last night, unfortunately, I am still not able to do anything related to the F key, like pick up or craft or use anything.
I think you were flying and didnt know it.....the only time i cant interact with items (use f) is when i am flying. hit F2 and try again....might be a bug. hope it helps
I like the idea of a mixed items. In theory, through script or say installed mods, it would give all server hosts the option and the means to decide what type of world (medieval, moderns, steampunk, stone-age, or whatever) they like....
But I think red said it best:
In the works
Yes, I think increasing the movement speed makes sense. At least when walking on solid grass-free ground. Rocket jumps would be awesome, perhaps that will work for creative, due to godmode xD
We can consider something like a jetpack, since we definitely want to feature modern (and perhaps also partly futuristic) elements. Not sure, still far away from something like that But F2 flymode will disappear in survival mode anyway in the future
Ok did some testing at work...something about switching from "window" mode to full screen goes wrong. Going to full screen closes window and refreshes just nothing logs dont show a crash which makes me think the game thinks it is still running.
Digging, into a hint someone gave me that the game/app might not have permissions to go to full screen (which makes no sense).....and/or a called event that the video driver doesnt understand (which i understand even less). Will test it more this weekend...... Tonight, after a few beers I will modify the config file to reflect fullscreen BEFORE game launch to see if that resolves it.
LOL, NICE....very cool watch.
note: not all of us came from (or even played minecraft)....some of us escaped Wurm Online.
Happened on your server.....
I was the only one on when it started, was chopping a tree down and in front of me...dirty, raked grass and "grey shadows" started to flicker...bump of lag and it stayed clear/ i flew back to spawn it started to spread....and way off in the distance the world stopped being created. (sorry not much of a log but i had never seen the game act like this before)
- 10:30pm CST
Very nice.....good work and thanks!!!
Up and running, have creative sound card issue so no sound....but, that is an OS issue. Got slightly better ping from Deadlands.
sudo apt-get install default-jre
<- I used opensource because i was not thinking and just auto installed right after removing it. If it doesnt work for you reach out to me and I will see what I can do.
Well, ran into the full screen issue as well. I believe it is related to the launcher bar is in conflict with the "fullscreen"...if you were foolish enough to set fullscreen and the game crashed do the following
Open HOME and do a "control-h" (wuill show hidden files)
move to: /home/<account name>/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/RisingWorld
set config file's fullscreen to FALSE
Relaunch and you are in business.
@Degalbro I believe the default for a tilde on a mac is "alt-n"
Hit a snag. I had the crappy good for nothing open source java installed.
Hd to patch/upgrade ubuntu itself (doing that now)....
Will "apt-get" install the real java when that is done.
Anyone tried the linux client yet? Still home with a sick, I thought I would check out the linux client. Updates to follow....
@Absalom Able to connect to deadlands, but I am it is like I am not really connected. Saw oohshiny connect but could not see them or me in the `tab list of players and still can not see myself connected. Everything loaded but still not really in.....will leave connected for a bit to see if it is a lag issue.
Am stuck in fly mode, if I turn it off unable to move at all. Will reconnected in a bit, guts tell me a restart is needed,
Thanks, I should have been more clear I was showing Absalom I couldn't see his server....which i can now.
update: was able to connect, hung up on "forming valleys"..for almost 20 seconds.....enabling monsters for almost another 20 ...when i did connect I was stuck in a limbo land. Not able to chat, large sections of terraforma missing and no-one (including myself) on the connection list.
Great work guys!! Major step for the game and allow people to start forming communities!!!
This is what I see.......
Nice, got an update.
Saw more servers, quite a few wrong versions for my client.
Was able to connect to hurtless again, appears it reset me back to spawn (assume due to update).
Do not see Absalom's server(s) in list.
newest log. was able to connect to both earlier.