Posts by Marxell

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    Mhh, you are thinking in long time terms. I hope that we all looking back to the first of many self-developed games in 10 years.
    If you keep that in mind, I think you have 2 years to integrate it into concept. After that the next game should be in the pipline :D

    Well, currently indiegames pop up like mushrooms :D

    Well, if more ppl had the required skills it could ;) But to be honest, i dont know much about scripting etc. Just hope the lua stuff is as easy as i hope so i can do the stuff i like to see^^ for example the optionalbe marketstand without an admin needed^^

    So, with the knowledge of lua i would be able to "create" an npc that offers for example:
    if member of kingdom options:
    - rent a market place size: x * y price ____
    - buy claimstone ammount___ price___

    - swear the oath and wait for the kings, leader whatever to accept you
    . is that correct ;)?

    same could then be done by:

    if player has marketclaim && marketstand
    -> rightclick marketstand
    - hire trader
    - put items to sell
    - withdraw income
    - etc


    Well, i like the "small" things that make a process "individual" :) But i do get your point. Lets break it down ;)

    Maybe adding a kind of script that tells: If grassland with water nearby -> chance of spawning herd a 20%, herd b 10 % etc.
    You could say that specific animals, like their rl counterparts, act the same way. This included wolves etc hunt deers and so on. You could define which animals spawn in a specific biome or "area" based on the ammount of blocks of the specific type. This includes woods for wood animals, grassland for farm animals etc.

    Now you have either the chance to tame animals by specific tasks, feed, care etc to raise their binding to you or by simply "pull" them into your stable via rope.

    you could implement and aggro feature. Based on stuff like "are babys" in that herd. If yes -> animals have chance xy to be aggressive

    I have to say that here are some really curious ideas. Please do not take this in a bad way but this game is still in an alpha phase and we are talking about staff that´s not even necessary in the final game.

    Probably it is better to concentrate on high level suggestions. For example you can make a list of animals you want to see in the game.

    I dont take anything bad ;) but as my mother use to say: "If you want to do something, do it right". I made the experience that it is sometimes harder to change stuff afterwards. And why not give an input that might be relative usefull? For example, if whoever makes a game decides to implement animals he has a mass of possibilities. If he decides they are like in mc only a source of food in an unlimited way, no problem at all. But if the dev wants animals to be something valuable, he can say animals will have, later or now, specific atributes or benefits, but progged the game like in minecraft, it might be hard to balance that later on. you know? I dont claim my ideas are mass compatible or the only way. its just a piece of colour to give the game a touch which pushes it in another direction than mc.

    I vote for the economy part. I hope you are able to make a nice trading system (with or without money, coins, what ever).
    If I hear coins (or money) it reminds me to the question about "in game sales". Are you planning to do this?

    Some points about trading system:
    - I would love to see something like "official trades" and "inofficial trades"
    - e.g. an "official trade" must be at a market place (someone can build this?!) and the 2 traders has to pay a tax for the trade to the owner of the market place, the transaction is safe
    - e.g. an "inofficial trade" could be anywhere, no tax but not safe (I mean someone can betray the other)

    Well, currencies are meant as kind of ingameitems, nothing with rl cash ;) just a exchange value for goods ;) Other game handle it by rate the value of an item and use rare ones as currency (e.g. diamonds). If the player now has the ability to "transform" rare stuff into coins it would make the game more lorefriendly ;) Well. Combined with the claim system i posted before it wouldnt be needed to make "one" trademarket. Instead player could "rent" a specific "marketstandsize" and offer their goods there. maybe even by hiring an npc (lets say 5 % of the income is used as payment)

    Well, its kinda lorefriendly since in rl you have thousands of currencies, from mussles to goldcoins. Always with the benefit of a rare valuable counterpart as safety. And since this game is so individual i thought the basic of every nation is the economy. So, wouldnt it be cool to see ingame the early steps of globalisation? ;) like a vikingstyle kingdom trading their good with an oriental kingdom? ;) of course it wouldnt be cool to see that both of them have, magically, the same currency ;) thats where the mass and purity effect hits :) It breaks down the coins into a basevalue calculated by those 2 values to make the "exchange" easier and userfriendly :) also, youll see that specific currencies will have benefits (huge ammounts, valuable material etc.). To continue our travel we could melt down those coins (if metal) and create other stuff out of it. - oh, btw, a meltingsystem would be nice ;) instead of repairing stuff to the unlimited you could "recycle" stuff. Imagine, a legendary warrior who had the skill to bring kingdoms to fall. His sword would be valuable as hell. Why not forging a new one out of it? ;)

    Hey, me again. Jeez, i hope i dont spam your forum to the max :D.
    If its too much just tell me ;)

    Well, btt. Currency and economy. Ive seen you implemented the painting feature which is really cool :) What about the possibility of having either one or plenty of currencies? Like, depending if possible or not, Kindgom A mines gold and has a good stock of it. Now they decide to make their own coins. So they use a tool which allows them to "design" coins. Those coins will have a "mass" and "purity". (to have a basicvalue) Kingdom B instead only has a small goldmine but herefor a silvermine. They mix both materials into whitegold. While Coin A has a mass of 5g and a purity of 90% the value is set to (70), Coin B has a mass of 5g but just a purity of 20%. So its Value is set to (30).

    Player can now use these coins to buy stuff in the nations. This could raise economy and maybe later on, different stuff will be only aviabl on specific locations. Like special ore, special animals etc.

    Heyas^^ its me again. Since i cant decide wether to write in bad english oder even worse german ill do first :D Id like to see a kind of Animalsystem. But pls not as bad as in minecraft :D Maybe you could implement a system where you can actively change the type of animal. Like you tame a brown male and a black-white female cow. Beside the fact that both of them will have plenty of fun, soon a cattle is born. This cattle will have various percentage of the father genes and the mothers. Like, the "race" of the father gives plenty of milk, therefor the meat has baaaad quality. Therefor the mother has middleammount of milk but they are fat and give plenty of meat. Now you as farmer can decide what kind of cows you need and want to breed. Same can be done for other animals. Like sheeps gives different kind of quality wool, maybe therefore the better wool it is harder to spin.

    Just an idea :)

    Ich kenne die Villages in Minecraft leider nicht ;) Aber ich denke z.b. an verschiedene arten. So könnte es verschiedene "claims" geben. Grundbesitzer könnten mit Grenzsteinen "ihren" grund abstecken. Zum Beispiel

    Dabie ist das lilane der Player Claim und das Rote der Stadt Claim. Jetzt könnte man sagen, Spieler haben die möglichkeit diese "Grenzsteine" entweder zu craften, zu finden oder zu "kaufen". Jetzt kann der Spieler die Steine selber herstellen um sein Land zu sichern. Um dabei nicht zu Groß zu werden, kann man sagen, dass alle "X"- Tiles ein neuer Stein gesetzt werden muss um eine verbindung zu dem initialstein zu schaffen. Solange keine Verbindung besteht, welche ein gebiet einschließt, Sichert der Stein ein Feld von "Y"-breit und "Z" - lang. Sofern diese aber verbunden sind ist das was diese steine einschließen "sicher". Ähnlich beim stadtclaim, allerding wäre es da sinnvoller, wenn auf diesem nur mit "bürger"grenzsteinen das persönliche land abgesteckt werden kann. Diese können beim "Bürgermeister" oder ähnlichem gekauft werden.

    Nehmen wir mal an, jetzt wird von einem dieser Grundstücke geklaut. So könnte man skills einfügen um die Diebe zu jagen oder ähnliches.

    1. Ich denke dass es schwer umzusetzen ist ;) Ist aber auch kein Kernelement^^
    2. Ich denke es würde einen guten Anreiz für Spieler schaffen etwas Großartiges zu bauen :) Handel wäre sicherer. Ich denke wenn es als core feature reingeht werden spieler es zu schätzen wissen ;)
    3. Cooel^^

    Heyas, i have some possiblities for your game :)

    1. Static block damage. Currently blocks seem to have the same block damage situation like in minecraft. Like you deal a block damage and see the cracks in the block. After you stop those cracks disappear. Means the block has magically full life again. What about a static damage model which means the block keeps the dealt damage.

    2. Landclaims: What about the possibility to implement (maybe later ;)) a kind of a claim. Possibilities are either a landclaim deed buyable from a (maybe playermade) kingdom or a kind of old landclaim where you set "claimstones" to the corners of you land. Possbile action are that you can enter who is allowed to "use" stuff on your claim, who can pick up items, and who can destroy stuff. maybe you could work with a friendsystem here where the player can choose diffferent group and rights. Also it could be possible to highlight the claim by rightclick or "use" the claimstone to see how big the claim is.

    3. Playermade maps : Would be cool if player could "map" the world either by skill or by material. Like paper, ink, compass etc. The used map could be expanded and merged with other player maps to a big map. That way, cartography would be a recommended profession in the game and an advantage for every kingdom. Also its easier for people ot find each other ;)