Posts by ZaCormyr

    A button to toggle sprint I think will definitely make some people happy (hit a button then use the mouse to aim where you go..). But also, just change it so you hold W, not L Shift. I think everyone would be ok with holding W to continue sprinting.

    Guys? Opinions?

    To be honest I haven't attempted to animate a model I have made. Only did a basic block if I remember correctly haha Mostly I've done mapping for TF1 and TF2, Far Cry 2, Counter Strike and a couple others I can't remember because I just took my first sip of coffee.. I write and make music also.

    You guys know I was being silly right? Ok.. My ideas aren't half-baked! They're fully-baked! Just maybe for a different game which isn't out yet.. lol

    Nova, yes exactly. Could be for models, writing, LUA code, textures etc.. It's not all THAT hard to learn some basic modelling there Meltron. Not sure if buildings made in the game could be used as buildings being generated by the game like NPC villages or temples etc.. Would be great if that were true though!

    A content competition would be great and I think actually bring more people to the game.

    Learn the code. Yes. Wish we could help with the models. Female character! Good call! No fing skimpy clothes eh.. grr. :P Well keep at it dude, best of luck. Don't mess this up eh! No pressure.. haha ;)

    And thanks for taking a moment..

    I didn't really like that part of SE, how ores generated. With the amount of stones and ores that RW has (sure some additions could be made of course), I thought of it being done in layers of sediment like earth. Mountains can be the crust being pushed up, almost vertically in places (bringing some deep ores to the surface but dangerous to get to..). There could even still be one type of simple stone that makes up the majority of the mass. Love the idea that some areas would become seriously difficult to mine through because of what it is made of. Layers, not pockets. Within the layers, pockets of oil deep down and water nearer the surface. Crystals etc...

    And thinking of this gave me an idea that would totally change RW hell (you know.. down there): Earths core, magma under pressure, volcanoes, geothermal power, what is down there currently could still be found close to the core in a seriously dangerous area... anyways. Something like that would just make me shit myself and I wouldn't be able to play so... what's the point? hehe

    Who knows of Space Engineers? Well the devs of that game have two teams going now and one is working on Medieval Engineers. It looks really promising. I mention it here because Rising World devs might find it useful to check this game out. What paths to take.. what not to. Check their forums.. ;)

    I did some searches on this but found nothing. If has been mentioned before, sorry.

    Just curious if you guys plan on adding more people to your team there red. If so, at what point will that become a priority. Meaning like, how many copies sold before new additions will be added? I would hate for you guys to try to do this on your own and as a result it's a failure.

    And no, I'm not trying to get a job nor should people start posting how they want a job.....

    Thanks :)


    Many feel Rising World has potential to replace Minecraft. I am hoping so. We shall see.

    That glitch with putting a bunch of window frames together in order to create a roof is weird. Not sure if others have tried, I haven't. Will test it out.

    Anyways, welcome!

    Would be nice if the cursor had a symbol for all actions. Right now the cursor changes to show you can use crafting tables, picking up flowers etc.. but not when I'm chopping a tree.

    So if I'm in range and aiming at a tree with an axe, or at an animal with whatever can kill them (melee not ranged), or at dirt with a rake etc.., or at stone with a pickaxe or sledgehammer..., or at a vehicle tire with a crowbar...., or at a section of broken pipe with a pipe wrench.. cursor changes to something relating to that action showing the action is possible.

    Not suggesting the style of the symbol should change.. I like it as is. Simple and clear, not distracting. Anyways..

    That's it.. :D

    Currently you hold L Shift and W to sprint (by default..). This is fine. But if I continue to hold L Shift and let go of W it still sprints. Honestly.. it annoys me constantly. I instinctively hold L Shift (not always.. just when I use sprinting a lot) and use W to sprint and let go to stop. I would prefer to have another button bound to toggle sprinting automatically, and if I let go of either L Shift or W it stops sprinting.

    Edit: so no hope for this? :(

    Just remembered... the other day I popped onto the server for a bit. Ran around in the dark and checked out whatever builds I could find on the path. Nobody was on. I ended up a ways out there but still on the path. I figured I might as well start a build and knew I was far from anyone so.. started to chop a tree. That is when the funky stuff start haha If I remember correctly, when the tree fell and I chopped it to get logs, I got no logs.. just poof, no more tree. Started on another, some error popped up (stupid tired me I didn't take a screenshot..) and crash....

    Did I miss something? Something I need to do first before doing anything on the server?

    Is the path near spawn meant to be a death trap? lol

    Nice little well! Yes some issues with the shingles... and yeah you nailed it, start with the roof since the framing etc will be easier to design for the roof instead of the other way around.

    Although you probably need to dig that hole first. I like how the hole goes down into the earth as if dug by hand!

    Just need a bucket, rope, a crank.. and.... water!

    This is for the main survival mode which has monsters, and whatever other mode it fits with. I will be working this out as I go.

    So to give Rising World a history (the world, not the player). I suggest the temples, ruins, dungeons and other structures (surface or underground) are from ancient civilizations. Maybe NPC villages can be the descendants of these civilizations. 5 types of NPC villages for 5 types of ancient civilization which can be found (maybe 3 types of underground structures and 2 above ground? Whatever works...)? Just an example..

    Each type of village could have an elder which tells of legends passed down through the ages about what the old civilization was like, type of structure they built and where it might be found (surface or underground, not specific information since the world is randomly generated), and maybe what kind of technology they used?

    Yes, technology. As some of the best treasure to be found in dungeons and temples etc.., I suggest there is technology which the player can only get by finding these structures and surviving the monsters which inhabit them now. Each ancient civilization could have multiple technologies the player can use. But not all structures should have technology to be found.

    Maybe you don't find the technology itself, but you find the blueprint (recipe). But I would prefer to find the actual technology and have to figure out how to recreate it. So reverse engineering.

    Nothing crazy like uber computers or an android. Just simple, useful and unique tech. And you can't just know the crafting recipe for it and make it any time you want (no looking up the recipe online and within an hour of playing you've got ancient tech).

    Maybe there is no way to craft these ancient technologies. You find the item, figure out how to use it and what it's for, and from there can only fix it by replacing parts. This way this tech would be pretty rare and it would continue to be valuable. You would have to explore and risk your life to get this stuff.. no getting your buddy to make several for you an hour after buying the game...

    To give more for the players to craft. Finding these ancient structures could unlock new crafting recipes for other stuff. Simple things like chairs, new building materials like new window frames or doors, new lamps. Maybe even new things to grow in your farm by finding a seed packet. Find a sandstone temple and now can collect and build with sandstone. Also books and scrolls which could have stories of events, new food recipes etc.. All fitting with the lore of the civilization.

    Lots of new content can be added through these structures, and with a bit of lore it will have some meaning in the world, it will be part of the world.. the world will be more then just the place that we mine, build and survive.

    This can all be done at world generation. :thumbsup: