Posts by ZaCormyr

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Experimenting with new ideas and seeing what works is what it's all about! :D

    Here is a vid I just found for ya. This guy seems to be making a medieval town with cardboard and paper etc.. and painting it. But right away you can see the stone tower with a wood frame built on top and the wood roof. Good inspiration regardless if it could be burnt with a lighter.. haha

    I would prefer to have few weapons, but have more content in other ways. Like multiple types of ammo for each range weapon and/or upgrades that can be done to the weapons/tools. Thus more stuff to collect materials for and craft...

    To me, this game is mining, collecting, gardening, husbandry, dungeon crawling, exploring, crafting, building, survival, PVE and PVP with just a few FPS elements which are balanced so they don't take over the game (but hey.. maybe some people want this game to be hardcore PVP and the crafting/building are secondary, should be able to setup a server like that. Different game modes are a key to this games success IMO).

    And I hope for some inventing. Part of MC was creating new stuff with redstone, Space Engineers lets you do that in a way also. I like the idea of, here's some parts, power sources, machines, tubing, pipes, wires etc.. figure out what you can do with them. Connect some shit together and see what it does... Even problem solving, like how to better harvest your pumpkins. Or how to collect water and store it in a tank for later use in the garden but you're 200 feet above the river or lake, got the stuff to make a pump and power it? Don't want a set recipe with specific parts to make this stuff. Let's take the pumping water idea. What if I use 1 inch piping at the water end, but beyond the pump it's 6 inch piping. Result will be very little pressure at all. But if I reversed it, running a 6 inch pipe into the pump but beyond is 1 inch pipe.. I might just destroy the pump but it'll have crazy pressure. Or I just keep it simple with good flow because I know it will be the main source of water for the garden and I want it to last. I would like to experiment like that. Interesting lighting displays, water features in the garden with underground piping.

    Oh! You can currently place dirt right, what if you dug a trench, placed some piping down into it and placed dirt on top to cover the piping and level the ground again? Would that get crazy with the coding? haha It would be great. To fix it you would have to dig it up again (and we should have to do maintenance on things like powered systems. motors wear out... pipe connections slowly fail...). Anyways.. I can go on and on with ideas for this game lol

    Regarding survival and teamwork. Well people will be playing with their friends... but others will want to be lone wolves, the game needs to accommodate both. So there should be group survival mechanics and stuff a single person can do to survive. With my above idea, it works. Groups can figure out ways to farm on a larger scale, and an individual can figure out his own stuff.

    Last thing, using a torch or something similar to scare off a predator would be great. A flame torch could work during the day even, but other items might work just at night. I recall on the news one time this guy went up north and arrived at night. He was walking in town or something and got a polar bear after him. He only survived because he pulled out his cell phone and of course the screen lit up, when he turned it towards the bear it ran away. Would be good to have this kind of thing in the game as like a last resort. Also, a camp fire should keep predators away...

    I have been tossing this around in my head for a while. I agree with Quezax that using only melee isn't the answer, for the reasons he mentioned. So I would like to see at least bows in the game. But given the tech progression that seems to be planned, bows aren't enough. Should be some ranged weapon for each tech "age". But on the other hand, I most certainly do not want a collection of weapons to use but everyone and their dog uses the machine gun. Or the OP rifle. Or the arm attachment which shoots a particle beam... :D

    In PVP, if my enemy has a bolt action rifle, I want equal chance to kill him with a bow, or sling.. Point is, balance the weapons carefully.

    Not sure about others, but I actually use the forum notifications. One issue I have is if you get multiple notices for the same post ,one for the actual response post, another for someone mentioning you if they do, another if they quote you I believe. So you can have like 3 notices for the same post. Problem is, they all need to be clicked on to get rid of them all. If you click on one notice and it takes you to the post, it does not remove the other notices for the same post. So you have to visit the same post up to 3 times just to get rid of all the notices.

    It's a small thing I know.. but still somewhat annoying. I know I could just ignore it.. but then, at a glance, I wouldn't know when there are new notices. Which defeats part of the purpose of it. IMO anyways.

    Ah so it is clipping through. Hmm.. Red! haha

    Yes vines would be nice, hanging vines and some to wrap around pillars etc..

    For the path, yeah some landscaping is required. To be honest, it is one of my favourite parts of the game. Sculpting with earth. :D

    I like the planted tree. Is it clipping at all into what you built there? This is essentially what I am planning to build once I really get into the game, big staircase up a hillside to a castle or something like that. Since I saw some odd holes in the earth next to your staircase, you know you can place dirt and stone.

    Something I've done is making natural looking arches with stone. ;)

    Meltron, I think because I told him to use the search function he is now getting back at me, saying this should be in the client help section.

    Anyways, Turbo, you're right. Didn't think of it. Thanks!

    I popped into a new world last night just to mess around. Chopped a tree down next to a cliff, the tree fell and was suspended out over the edge of the cliff. So when I chopped the tree to get the log pieces, most pieces fell. I tried to catch them but of course couldn't, but this meant I watched them fall. They seemed to stop suddenly in mid air. They didn't fall to the ground and bounce around a bit or whatever. Here is a screen of where they ended up.

    Yeah I hear ya. Maybe they could just update that features page since it already exists. But I suppose a forum post would be good for those who missed that features page. Seems like most that start posting on the forum with suggestions haven't seen the features page.