Posts by ZaCormyr

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    Should really try to search for stuff before posting. It's at the top right of the page. Lots of what you posted is in other threads.

    It would be freak'n awesome to have greenhouses be part of the game mechanics, not just a structure people grow stuff in for no real benefit. Got ideas brewing about this, I may make a thread just for greenhouses.

    Yeah no guns. Bows would be nice though. But for pvp it would be interesting to have a variety of melee weapons of different tech levels.

    Yeah I don't think the bell should be the option for finding players haha. But it could be used as an alarm for the town in case of an enemy raid.

    Banisters, well I suppose there just needs to be more content, meaning more pieces available to create different designs. Does everything snap together? If that is already in place, then great! I understood it was difficult to place things because it was all done free hand, leading to gaps in walls etc... I honestly haven't played much since I got some other new games over the holidays haha..

    Bell - +1

    Regarding building. I would sacrifice total freedom for being restricted to staying on grid period. Then the parts available to build with create the freedom to be creative. With some things it is nice to scale yes (like a poster). I prefer things like banisters, fencing, pillars, boards, etc etc.. should be modular and snap together. It frees you to be more creative and not have to worry about lining things up perfectly. Not everyone will be willing to do that. And here comes to flak! lol

    Yes for more doors etc.. and unfinished doors for players to complete. Other things can be like this also.

    Yes for lights and candles (and beekeeping!)

    About finding people, I haven't played MP yet and haven't checked.. aren't there coords you can give each other in order to find each other? Similar to MC?

    Seeing how many hours you've played via Steam isn't an achievement. Just something Steam does.

    I would prefer some kind of in-game achievements that give benefits for a short time, something like that. I don't care about the Steam achievements personally.

    But maybe something like getting +25% exp for 10min every 100 bottles of milk made. Mind you, that would not work with the way crafting is currently done since you can do any amount in an instant... So maybe leave crafting out of it haha

    Anyways, if something like this was added, just make it some passive bonus for a short time which doesn't blast your screen when it happens. Just a notice in the corner along with subtle sound or something. Want it to add to the immersion, not interrupt it.

    Wine and booze. I suppose being a dad makes me think of stuff differently then I used to.. Personally I'm fine with booze being in the game, but a part of me doesn't want to influence kids to drink. Anyways... adding grapes and hops etc.. is more content so..


    Sheep - wool - clothes and other cloth stuffs, rope
    Rubber tree - rubber (I mentioned this before..)
    grains or hay bales- feed for animals during winter when you have to bring them into the barn/weird structure you built as a barn.. hehe
    cows and deer - different types of leather
    cotton - rope

    Well, it will be the bed or tent in this case. Since setting the spawnpoint most likely has nothing to do with sleeping, we could also add additional items for that - like flagpoles etc. :)

    Flags were mentioned I believe. I could go with a simple flag with RW on it or something like that. Flagpole seems a bit much though haha

    Although portals being generated on the surface is interesting. Problem with it is people will build based on where the portals are and essentially claim them.

    Too futuristic for RW? There has been talk of tech being at least modern, if not futuristic. Has it been said that they will stay away from futuristic tech? I thought that was a possibility.

    I agree with your last statement there Quezax, as I put for #7.

    Anyways, I could totally live without the teleports. I've expressed my concerns about them already.

    I'm aware this has been mentioned in other threads. Tis time it had it's own. Main issue with teleports is they might make vehicles useless for travel. So I propose setting some rules because I do like the idea of teleports... I think if they are not added to the game, some mod will put them in and they will be kinda crappy.. like in MC. I prefer they are done right from the start. So.. some rules?

    1 - there is an entrance and an exit so they only work one way
    2 - you can only build one set of teleports (no building them for your friends)
    3 - only a player can go through the teleports (no vehicles, no mining carts, no animals, just what the player can carry on him/herself, no tossing stuff onto it to teleport items)
    4 - any player can use the teleports if they find it (added danger! better hide your entrance good! :D)
    5 - both ends of the teleport require power! (something that requires maintenance)
    6 - they can be used as a trap (fun pvp stuffs like build an entrance near your enemies and place the exit upside down on the ceiling over some lava - evil laugh)
    7 - very advanced tech so it is NOT easy to make these, there should be some skills you work towards so a new player can't just get materials from friends and make them day one...
    8 - ?

    Any more that fit? Rules you disagree with?

    I thought of starting a new thread for the teleport thing. I suppose I will.

    Respawn point, well I would like some item to place in the world to remind me that is where spawn is. What they decide.. we shall see. Hopefully something unique to RW.

    If teleports required line of site they would be useless. Most would want it for mining which is mostly done underground. Especially on a pvp server.

    I would actually like a form of teleport to build as some advanced tech. Hmm.. Let's set some rules and see if it fits with the game and doesn't ruin vehicles:

    1 - there is an entrance and an exit so they only work one way
    2 - you can only build one set of teleports (no building them for your friends)
    3 - only a player can go through the teleports (no vehicles, no mining carts, no animals, just what the player can carry on him/herself, no tossing stuff onto it to teleport items)
    4 - any player can use the teleports if they find it (added danger! better hide your entrance good! :D)
    5 - both ends of the teleport require power! (something that requires maintenance)
    6 - they can be used as a trap (fun pvp stuffs like build an entrance near your enemies and place the exit upside down on the ceiling over some lava - evil laugh)
    7 - very advanced tech so it is NOT easy to make these, there should be some skills you work towards so a new player can't just get materials from friends and make them day one...
    8 - ?

    Glad you brought up the armor thing there Geneo. What is the point? Unless they have specific uses (like the different types of protective footwear I posted). Not armor with specific uses, but clothing with specific uses. Some will just be cosmetic of course. What about beekeeping suit. Or hip waders to help ya fish or just keep from getting wet in shallow water.

    I love the idea of having things to grow and produce something from in order to barter with others. But maybe not wine.. it's just used to get drunk (although red wine is good for ya in some ways...).

    What about growing olives (only in certain biomes) and using a press to make olive oil which is used for cooking certain dishes? Same press could be used to crush apples for apple cider.

    About seasons, different flora etc.. well biomes are planned. We shall see what comes of that. Hope they do at least part of the idea I posted regarding biomes haha

    Thanks for sharing. T4C.. can't believe I never heard of it! Maybe I did but just don't remember... My first gaming experience was colecovision haha games like Donkey Kong, Zaxxon, Mouse Trap. Then it was on to Final Fantasy 1. Dude at the movie rental store told me about it, saying it took him x amount of hours (can't remember, something like 40) to beat it. I didn't sleep that weekend.. lol

    Sorry about the back! My sister is going through the same thing.

    Not for me. Some form of portal or teleport (I thought about teleports like in TF2 but decided against it) would remove any need for vehicles. I want to have to hide in the bush while the enemy drives by, like in the Dayz mod. You could either let them pass or do some kind of ambush. Anyways, if there are teleports, you would rarely see anyone out in the world. So little player interaction other than friends hanging together.

    The only form of teleport that might work is a one time use teleport. So you place your homespawn marker (whatever it is), go out in the world and carry this device with you (after obtaining it either by crafting or trade etc..), once you want to get back home you use it and it's gone. This needs to be controlled so stacks of them cannot be made. It must be a very rare thing indeed or we're just back to the other teleport ideas etc.. Or maybe it is limited by time. One use each game day or something.. anyways I prefer with no teleports.

    For the first type of pickaxe etc.. you're forgetting that you can shape certain stone with just your hands and some elbow grease, or maybe an antler. That was my thought for the first tools of this sort (pickaxe, axe, simple knife etc..). Before getting the flint, maybe you have to find an antler out in the world to use as your first tool to break the flint. I found this page, seems like a good reference for such things. I'm not saying we should have everything on that page haha

    In regards to my sawzall idea, that would be advanced tech. Not something you do the first day by no means haha Not sure about the sledgehammer being used to harvest metal shards or crystals. Think of solid iron sticking out of a cave wall, then imagine smashing at it with a sledgehammer. Would take some time I think haha :P

    After some thought, tree damage should only happen on the players, possibly animals. No player made stuffs. IMO. Having control over the direction would be great but I don't see it happening. Nothing bad towards devs, just I think it would be to difficult to make it worth attempting. But I'm no coder.. maybe it's a simple thing.. haha

    Maybe instead of finding raw ore, it also spawns in odd formations as iron. Or copper. Maybe you would need more then a pickaxe to get that kind of stuff out? Use the pickaxe to expose the metal, then harvest it with a rustic, primitive sawzall (could have different types of blades for the different types of metals etc..)? Then you have to melt it down in order to use it again. Just a thought.