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  • I'm aware this has been mentioned in other threads. Tis time it had it's own. Main issue with teleports is they might make vehicles useless for travel. So I propose setting some rules because I do like the idea of teleports... I think if they are not added to the game, some mod will put them in and they will be kinda crappy.. like in MC. I prefer they are done right from the start. So.. some rules?

    1 - there is an entrance and an exit so they only work one way
    2 - you can only build one set of teleports (no building them for your friends)
    3 - only a player can go through the teleports (no vehicles, no mining carts, no animals, just what the player can carry on him/herself, no tossing stuff onto it to teleport items)
    4 - any player can use the teleports if they find it (added danger! better hide your entrance good! :D)
    5 - both ends of the teleport require power! (something that requires maintenance)
    6 - they can be used as a trap (fun pvp stuffs like build an entrance near your enemies and place the exit upside down on the ceiling over some lava - evil laugh)
    7 - very advanced tech so it is NOT easy to make these, there should be some skills you work towards so a new player can't just get materials from friends and make them day one...
    8 - ?

    Any more that fit? Rules you disagree with?

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Nobody's jumped in on this, so I will.

    First off let me say I'm against any kind teleporter, Stargate, portal, or whatever else you want to call them. They're just not needed and too 'futuristic' for RW.

    However, IF something like that was (eventually) ever added, here's how I would do it:
    * When the world is created, 5-6 portals would be randomly placed on the surface. They would each have their own number ('address'). At the start, you don't know which portal is where- in fact, you may not even see one in the beginning. ("Discovery" time!)
    * Players can not craft, destroy, move, or place portals. They also don't 'own' portals- anyone can use any portal.
    * Like a Stargate, there's a stand where you turn on the portal, then put in the address (portal number) you want to go to and either immediately go there or walk/drive/ride through a good-size frame (could be square, doesn't have to be round).
    * Portals only stay active for a short period of time (say 15 seconds).

    Basically, I see portals as a quick way to move, or transport things, from Point A to Point B on the surface. But they should have their limitations that can either be quite advantageous for you... or a PITA. Maybe you want to build your house/town near or around one, maybe not. The above could make multiplayer, especially PVP, quite interesting.

  • I think I am with Geneo, I think that teleportation should be maintained only for server admins/creative by default. If someone wants to make a Lua script or Mod to add some gameplay version they can, but with vehicles and rail systems planned I am not sure the game will need any sort in-game teleportation.

    Also if they are added:
    if they are spawned, they should be in well defended dungeons/fortresses, so to effectively use them you will have to clear two of them.
    These ones may not require energy, but may occasionally have monster step out of their mysterious function.

    if building them and using them should be extremely costly and be extremely inefficient, so only those with excessive amounts of resources and energy and finished with the tech tree(how ever that works) would build them. if it takes X energy to get there by vehicle it should take X Squared by teleport

  • Although portals being generated on the surface is interesting. Problem with it is people will build based on where the portals are and essentially claim them.

    Too futuristic for RW? There has been talk of tech being at least modern, if not futuristic. Has it been said that they will stay away from futuristic tech? I thought that was a possibility.

    I agree with your last statement there Quezax, as I put for #7.

    Anyways, I could totally live without the teleports. I've expressed my concerns about them already.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • 'm aware this has been mentioned in other threads. Tis time it had it's own. Main issue with teleports is they might make vehicles useless for travel. So I propose setting some rules because I do like the idea of teleports... I think if they are not added to the game, some mod will put them in and they will be kinda crappy.. like in MC. I prefer they are done right from the start. So.. some rules?

    First off let me say I'm against any kind teleporter, Stargate, portal, or whatever else you want to call them. They're just not needed and too 'futuristic' for RW.

    Alright I can support some sort of portal but not like how you guys where describing.
    I think that portals should be more of a old school thing that players could not create or move. Where it would be built in the ground as a circle in dungeons or temples. so players could teleport (one way) to a different area in the dungeon. Giving a chance for the player to explore a different area in the dungeon with the high risk of getting lost. (you don't know where your going to end up the first time you take the one way trip in the portal) but can use it as a shortcut after you found out where it leads if your are smart.

  • What if random portals were generated along with these dungeons and lead to some other totally random portal. Could be anywhere. So you walk through a portal and come out in another dungeon way underground. You would have to find your way to the surface number one, then figure out where the hell you are. Still have the issue of people "claiming" them.. but if there is PVP then well just un-claim it hehe Or if the dungeons are protected areas, nobody could build directly at the portal.

    Should prevent mobs from entering portals I think. That might cause weird issues.

    Edit: I would put these portals also in temples and ruins on the surface. Since these all would have monsters in them, the portal room should be clear of monsters. But you still would need to fight your way through the monsters. And this would happen each time since they respawn. Just wanted to mention that stuff.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

    Edited once, last by ZaCormyr ().

  • Edit: I would put these portals also in temples and ruins on the surface. Since these all would have monsters in them, the portal room should be clear of monsters. But you still would need to fight your way through the monsters. And this would happen each time since they respawn. Just wanted to mention that stuff.

    Thats a good Idea but I think it would only really work on big builds Idk maybe a portal from a temple to an underground dungeon or catacombs?

  • I hate portals, especially thanks to the negative drama I had to deal with that caused a good ex-blogger of mine to part ways. It would negate the idea of vehicles, similar to how nuclear would negate the option of having solar-panels and alternate energy. People simply want "the best" that corners are cut, and any enjoyment for the middle stuff is lost.

    If I had to limit it I'd keep it to overly rare, naturally spawning, and something that leads to random places. Basically what was suggested above. I'd rather they be teleports within a dungeon to another, linking one to the next to keep things connected. The thought of teleports has me denying their existence due to how it spoiled my Minecraft buddies in travel times and with how nuclear power did the same to my 'higher-tech' buddies. Both this and nuclear, I strongly feel, would ruin the whole thing causing another Minecraft dramatic mess that I don't need to re-experience.

  • ya I only have a problem with portals if its going to be used as a way to travel long distance

    if portals where to implemented it would only be located in the dungeons and would only go to different parts parts in the same dungeon. where it becomes a more of a means to explore the dungeon then it is for traveling to different parts of the dungeons

    Portals are something that I would much rather not exist then exist where it upsets the players like your self though.

  • Long distance is what I meant. Not something to be used for local travel. I mean very far. That way there would still be a need for vehicles etc.. Anyways, I don't really care either way if there are portals or not. Just if there are then it would be interesting to see them as totally random and only found in very dangerous dungeons (so they probably couldn't be used all the time for travel).

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Yes overall I don't really want them. But if they were done, I can figure out a decent idea for it lol

    ya same here, I think if the do implement portals they would be smart about it. So am not to worried to be honest.

  • Same thoughts as R3DROOK. More hassle than it is worth, though mods can freely add it in but I do hope they balance it so that it doesn't become abusive as it was in Minecraft. If mods are going to add it do treat it with the utmost care please or else you'll end up in the situation I have by fighting with friendly players.

  • Simple no from me.

    This game doesn't need literally every function you have see in any other game or mod. It's not really meant as a sandbox, but a realistic survival-game at it's core. Teleportation is, just as monsters, too far off from realism in my opinion and always seems a little 'cheaty' to me, that's why I generally try to avoid them in Minecraft.
    I am pretty sure some modders will add it via scripting later on, but it's nothing that I want added by default. It's just 'too much' in my opinion and too far away from the original idea of what this game should become.
    I wish people would be a little more realistic in the suggestion-threads and stayed in-line with the original idea of realistic and immersive survival-type gameplay that is planned for Rising World.

  • Am curious to see what types of transport we will have. Am hoping for a more of a steam punk type of vehicles then that of our modern vehicles.

  • Same here. I'm curious what kind of vehicles are to be had, and how we shall or can't tech up on them. I'm constantly imagining a the type of 'base' similar to what you see when a car is built, or burnt out. The skeleton of a car/vehicle that you can add onto by adding customized parts and accessories onto and in it. Red said he wasn't sure, just that we would have to deal with 'pre-built' designs that we could customize.

    - Cars - Hinted through roads & traffic lights. This may or may not have trucks, vans, and cargo-wheeled vehicles.
    - Bikes - Seeing as how horses & camels was teased/hinted by Red I'd assume we could eventually have bikes, though that's probably a stretch. If anything, I would expect it to be a post-game edition (after all the main stuff is added).
    - Horse & Camels - Only listing this because Red mentioned it with it being appropriate. I wouldn't mind having both horses and camels; Camels for your more warmer climate and biomes.
    - Trains - Teased on the feature page so I'm expecting working our way from minecarts -> Coal/steam -> diesel -> electric - type trains. Depending on how Red designs and implements them I'll either stay with steam trains or I may upgrade to other train tech.
    - Boats - I guess this is predictable. I would assume we would go up from rafts, canoes, sails, steam, coal, diesel type ships. All basic, merchant, and cargo type. Depending on how big the biomes are (a good 20,000 on average on old Minecraft) should do it for the variety of boat types. Surprise me.
    - Submarines - Not really confirmed. It be more of a bonus, if anything, for us to venture down below. I'd expect this as a mod, or post-game.
    - Zepplins/hot air balloons - This being the only vehicle I wouldn't mind roaming in the sky. People wanted some sort of steampunky ballooned flying vessel so it wouldn't hurt to do so. I wouldn't mind. I'd accept propeller planes, just nothing too major, or jet-propelled. That's asking for trouble.

    Whatever gets added in the end I'll make the most out of. There's still time to speculate and have brainstorming fun heh.


    - On-topic:
    I think I'll budge a tiny bit (by a hair) by supporting EXTREMELY RARE teleports people could set up when they find loot. I wouldn't really play with it, unless it's for 'admin' purposes, so I'd simply use it to go from one 'city' to the 'next city' for admin cleaning purposes. People could trophy up their portals, it however has to be limited one per person, or something that rare. Not even creative mode should work its way around it or else it'll devalue all the other vehicles. It'll hollow out the game as a whole.

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