Posts by Moderndaybardx

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    Boar are a nasty lot to take one with a sword or mace would likely be death. Though it would be nice if we had a small pack of them to rut around causing havoc in the gardens or with the live stock eventually.

    Pros of Civilizations progressing in the game.
    You get to play the chieftain , lord, king etc
    RW gains a feature akin to games like Populas and Civilizations and new features gain players that like those kinds of games.
    You get a unique story mode to enjoy as @zfoxfire explained above.
    Summary Something new to do when you tire of other modes increasing replay value.

    Cons of Civilizations progressing in the game.
    Red has to develop a complex system that some one is going to find flaws in no matter how good it is. (Human Nature)
    Red will have to develop complex AI to make the workers , lords , peasants, and others behave properly. (Some one will complain)
    You get a unique story mode that took months to complete and stalled other developments.

    Summary The time it takes to make it work.

    Its kind of the same way with my own suggestions of Cultural Presets. Lots of work that rewards only those people that wanted it, and complaints from some that its not accurate, good enough, hard enough, easy enough. None of it is a must have feature but it would be a nice feature to have in the long run.

    The main driving factor behind advancement to the Human race in my opinion has never been the fact we have technology to do things faster or easier. To me it is the ideas we have had over the era's, some one looked at a rock near the Nile one day and said "Looks kinda like a lion" Grabbed a chisel and made it look more like a lion. Someone got it in his head that a giant pyramid would look really good near that lion. Got a bunch of guys together and went to work (or aliens used lasers and stuff).
    A group of hunters decided it would be better to plant the same crops in the same place over and over to supplement the hunt and agriculture was born.
    They started feeding the wild dogs and domestication was born.
    thousands of years later a group of scientists looked up and said "That big rock in the sky needs a Flag and some foot prints on it"

    The reasons for doing these things have been varied and sometimes logical. Mostly though it seems we don't advance because we build better Technology we build better Technology because some one needed a solution to a problem they faced at the time. That's true advancement over coming problems with new ideas and making new problems to overcome thus continuing the cycle.

    I want that hat to cover my poor bald head.
    Agree personal craft station only for primitive stuff, I could take the grass around here and weave it with all the rain we have had, I use to think the grass in RW was to tall until I went two weeks with out mowing now I'm thinking Red should make it taller in wetter areas, could mark swamps nearby or areas of heavy rain fall.
    Speaking of weaving.....
    Wonder if he would add some crochet needles as a lesser loom of sorts for more primitive textiles.

    Making hay bales now is certainly machine intensive however once you had to lay down a canvas toss the hay into a pile and roll it with the canvas, or use a box with wire or twine in it fill it up and mash it down then tie or twist it tight. That was just old man Hubert's methods there are likely others but I did that one summer for extra cash with an old farmer. Tossing small hay bales into the loft was fun and a hell of a work out, but the big ones are machine rolled.

    I'm not at liberty to discuss this!! He's watching me! O_o

    I agree that those useless hedges would be an excellent source of sticks. I chatted with Red a few nights back and he confirmed that he is going to add sticks and stones. They're likely going to spawn randomly and can be picked up like in The Forest. Around that time, we will start a new game barehanded, without the iron axe and pickaxe. We will then have to craft primitive tools and work our way up to finally crafting that anvil. I don't know exactly what (if anything) will be used for fibers. I know you and I brought up all sorts of suggestions about certain versatile plants (some of which are being implemented) but someone on Steam suggested gathering plant fibers from grass. Its a good idea to start with but I just assumed that tall grass was not exactly the strongest of plant fibers to use. The discussion came up in a thread about crafting hay bales. A suggestion for a drying rack for meats , thatch, and grass came up as well.

    What does everyone else think about the grass idea? Let's say you grab the grass with your barehands to get plant fibers, cut the grass with the scythe to get tall grass for certain crafting needs such as hay bales, or use the sickle to get seeds for replanting (maybe the current tall grass icon could be replaced with grass seeds).

    Grass + Loom = plant fibers ?...... or
    Grass Bale becomes craft-able in normal inventory with the shelter along with but not limited to.

    Grass still plant able no seeds needed.

    Think that's a bit much for the game. Though exactly what I was getting at as the first tools to have in the game. The chipping method he was using could be applied to make ax heads I really wonder how far back Red will go with the tools. I would love to start off as a cave man and work my way up. Very interesting video I had never seen the grinding method before though it does make me want to grab a few stones and take my sander to that cheating?

    For the primitive ax I do think a flatter stone with a chipped edge wedged into the split of a stick then twine wrapped would be sturdier and look more realistic, of course to make such a thing we would need a chipping stone a flat rock and a stick. just depends on how much work Red wants us to do for the items. and how much players are willing to go through to get to better and better equipment.

    I agree it does look sanded, not that you can't sand with a rock but a crudely carved handle would be more on point with primitive tools. Sharp flint and patience can make some beautiful carvings as well how ever. Would really like to see the first tools we get be flat sharp rocks and rounded hammering rocks taken from gravel around the water.

    Being one of those that often mentions dreams and goes for realism no matter how tedious I hate to admit I never really gave much thought to complexity vs play-ability. I'm certain Red has kept this in mind though, naturally everyone wants their idea to become a part of the game and with mods they can be eventually. You have raised a very excellent point Miwarre........ I shall ponder this

    I might be wrong, but I have the impression that discriminating the inside from the outside of any reasonably shaped boat/ship moving around (to keep it free from water) is going to be quite heavy computationally (and detecting leaks is going to be very heavy!).

    As a reference, currently the code does not stops light flow (which is comparable) even within orthogonally placed walls/planks.

    Could be accomplished using particles but that would mean all water was particles and most computers would scream at you before they just shut down. Though if you made water produce a small number of particles when items touch it to check for leaks then say that if a particle gets through it causes the object to sink........ Depending on how you streamline the code it might only drop the fps on larger builds thus a possible work around.


    So when the new player models get here I would like to have the ability to Duck and roll during a fall to reduce damage, climb trees to escape predators, do a cart wheel to attract a mate only to embarrass myself and have the other cave men laugh at me. I think it would be nice to be able to chose or even create animations based on a few button presets.

    Crouch/ stealth
    Punch/ Kick- (Let me be a ninja Red)
    Tumble (Ninja)

    This would also allow those that enjoy obstacle course building to go a little bit further.

    On a survival note. Before we had weapons of stone or steel we had only our bodies to use in the hunt for food shelter and safety. We could climb and run and jump. Swing and kick and bite. Throwing a sharp rock was likely the first ranged weapon we invented, holding it before it was thrown the first melee. However before any of that we had only our limbs and when movement of self is your only offense and defense you learn to roll with the punches and use a knee if your pinned.

    I have another post asking for the placement of metal plates and rods but it bears repeating. At this point I would like the flexibility of the ECS for all objects with its rotations As well I would like to see a physics tab on things to say drop a ladder and have it lean against a wall or prop a bucket on a door. As far as blocks go its mostly a matter of material properties and textures. Wood should float on water the metal should be hard to break. Really want a thatch roof texture. Would love some glass textures for blocks.

    Just a few considerations for when cooking is more relevant. The methods in the real world are many so I think Rising World should have as many as possible. Currently we have grilled, I think boiling, baked and. Fried should become options. When boiling the overcooked option would be mush not bad if you wanted mashed potatoes or spaghetti sauce. Baked would still be burned as would Fried and each method would come with its own benefits. Allowing people to throw anything into a pot and boil could make an array of both healthy and harmful foods. Fried food might fill up the hunger better but lower the thirst. Baked foods would be the healthiest option. Just something to consider.

    For Intellgent Creatures
    A series of pre defined cultural sets based on biome The people in the Savannah craft based on whats around them and dress accordingly, the people in the snow as well. Some way to have them gain tech just like the player does while taking their cue from the players and maybe allowing us to filter culture and tech based on our vision of our world

    For Animals
    Prey vs Predator mentally where you could watch the angry elephant smash the tiger for trying and the rabbits run from everything. Using a fear meter of fight or flight perhaps as a gauge on domestication in the future. The higher it is the more likely the creature is to attack the lower it is the more likely it is to flee, turning the meter a different color when you be friend the creature and then tame it.

    With many an idea on various aspects of the game I thought it best to place them in a single spot in as much organization as I can, many of them can be found at the steam forum or on other peoples threads here.

    Metals and Mining

    Metallurgy being for most in my mind.
    Combining coal with iron for steel
    Aluminum with copper for bronze
    Mithril with steel for stainless
    Gold with silver for electrum

    This could be accomplished through the smelter with an Alloy Mold

    Next on my mind being Gems and Crystals
    Quartz being the base of most crystal when found near other ores gives the various colors and is also the second most abundant mineral on earth.

    "Quartz is a defining constituent of granite and other felsic igneous rocks. It is very common in sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and shale and is also present in variable amounts as an accessory mineral in most carbonate rocks. It is a common constituent of schist, gneiss, quartzite and other metamorphic rocks. Quartz has the lowest potential for weathering in the Goldich dissolution series and consequently it is very common as a residual mineral in stream sediments and residual soils.

    While the majority of quartz crystallizes from molten magma, much quartz also chemically precipitates from hot hydrothermal veins as gangue, sometimes with ore minerals like gold, silver and copper. Large crystals of quartz are found in magmatic pegmatites. Well-formed crystals may reach several meters in length and weigh hundreds of kilograms."

    Beryl is the base of Aquamarine, Emerald, and many others like quartz it's about the impurities it's found near so mining might get you a Green Beryl you could take to a jewel station to make an Emerald.

    Corundum is the basis of Ruby and sapphire a form of Aluminium oxide so found near aluminium deposits. (For the sake of simplicity)…

    Geodes might be found while mining at certain depths and used at the jewelry station as well.

    Diamond is carbon based thus found near coal deposits later tools could require them as diamond encrusted tips

    I think doing Gems and crystals as part of mining like they did in Skyrim would be a great little surprise. Say a thirty percent chance for crystal ten for gems at the surface and it increases as you go deeper. Or in specific places like near Lava. No making gem blocks but maybe crystal blocks.

    As for metals

    The smelting process could provide some waste that proves to be of use later or revel gem stones and crystal by removing impurities in metals to get them pure you get other elements to work with this could be seen as the top of the smelter keeps the impurities while the bottom collects pure metals via drip.

    I'd like to see the various types of stone come as large veins as well each taken more hits depending on its hardness

    Realistic Blacksmithing
    The smelter could be used as the forge for mold crafting (Casting) using a variety of trays. Mace mold Sword mold Pick ax mold Etc
    Other molds could then be used to craft additional items Wire mold Nail mold Bucket mold
    Pouring molten metal was a common practice from The onset of forging techniques for quickly producing the basic shape of the item. The fine details where then handled at the anvil. The base shape could be used as intended but only after the fine details did it become a true tool. This would work well for a tiered tool crafting system.
    Cast: Rank 1
    Tempered: rank 2

    The quench is often considered one of the most important aspects of forging as depending on how quickly it cools determines hardness and strength.
    The common quenching methods being.Air : rank 1
    Water: rank 2
    Snow: rank 3
    Brine:Rank 4
    Oil: rank 5
    This could be used to further a tier system.
    As for other items nails where commonly poured along with horseshoes and cooking pots and most disposable goods. However broken items where often reforged time and time again only to be stronger as more impurities melted from the metal.
    In this way people could also make higher tiered items Reforged 1 Through 10
    The most famous examples being the katana which was heated and folded hundreds of times.

    Other methods include the clay kilns used by Vikings though originally an Arabic or Indian (India) technique. The kiln consisted of several chambers where each chamber burned hotter and hotter thus melting away more impurities and allowing a better bond for alloys.
    Smelter rank 1
    Kilned rank 2
    Folded rank 3

    The fact that each metal has a particular melting point could bring in another factor much like burning meat one could accidentally boil away some metals or make the metals more brittle. Most steel needs higher temperatures but gold has a very low melting point.

    A flying steam powered ship would need all these blocks. If some textures simply float on top of water that would be cool. With out getting into really heavy physics. Though if Red wanted to give water a displacement calculation vs the surface area and weight of said objects that would like wise be cool after all you can make a boat out of concrete provided you hit the right ratio of weight and surface area.

    Thanks was actually off on Beryl as ruby and sapphire come from corundum, but if red researches the gemstones a little he will see the basic premises of how they are formed.